Nell’articolo Raoul mette in guardia per la formazione dell’Arizona. Ma l’articolo non entra nei dettagli. Quali sono i dettagli dei suoi timori?

di TheRealTsjoek


  1. The working class is gonna be, inevitably, hit hard during reforms.

    And also, opposition is doing its job.

  2. Have you read anything about the “supernota”? The whole thing is superficial instant ‘benefits’ with a pure hollowing lut of all the protections and rights employees have. Maybe you would have a 5% benefit instantly, but on the long term they are pushing for US or UK economies where there is pure wage slavery.

  3. El_Pepperino on

    Hedebouw is a communist. He wants a State Apparatsjik that controls its underlings and destroys anything remotely related to Capital (which is for him the tool of the devil). He doesnt understand that capital brings economy and economy brings wealth and in order to continue to attract capital there must be some incentive for people to gather wealth and – eventually – capital to be able to invest it in economy again. All this – according to communist theory – isnt true.

    Now that coalition is intended to support economic growth and support the labour market. Both elements which communist populist Hedebouw dispises. Hence he’ll do anything – including lying and spreading populist slogans – to sabotage that government formation.

    In short.

  4. He talked on radio about a plan to raise VAT 6% bracket to 9% bracket.

    + At least 2years without wage indexation.

    + Removing gaz and electricity from the consumer index

    If this indeed becomes true, you will see me in the streets.
    The last one is particularly vicious. The right wing parties always find clever ways to fuck the bottom 50% of population.

  5. Grizzly_Sloth on

    Je kan het standpunt van PVDA over de plannen van Arizona-coalitie gewoon lezen op hun website: [](

    >*De eerste voorbereidende nota en de voorstellen van formateur Bart De Wever die in de pers gelekt zijn, tonen de krijtlijnen van een reeks maatregelen waar de partijen het over eens waren. En ze laten geen twijfel bestaan over welke richting de onderhandelingen uit gingen: een aanval op de rechten van de werkende mensen in dit land. Het blijkt trouwens dat er een breed akkoord is over een hele reeks asociale maatregelen die in de toekomst wellicht opnieuw op de onderhandelingstafel komen…*

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