Incidente durante l’incontro con Radosław Sikorski a Łódź. I manifestanti hanno gridato contro l’occupazione della Palestina
Il suicidio è la principale causa di morte tra i 15 e i 44 anni in Belgio di EdgarNeverPoo
Salty_Dugtrio on 09/09/2024 08:19 Mentale gezondheid, en dan vooral bij mannen (duidelijk gereflecteerd in de cijfers), wordt vaak niet serieus genomen. De oplossing is zo complex en de strijd moet gevoerd worden op zoveel verschillende fronten dat het een heel moeilijk probleem is om aan te pakken.
atrocious_cleva82 on 09/09/2024 08:26 It would be interesting to question why Belgium has a 50% higher suicide rate than closer countries (France, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland…)
Limesmack91 on 09/09/2024 08:30 Per the article it has been since 2019 and nobody gives a shit. Even if they do it’s often focussed (rightfully) on the teenager group first, but nobody is asking why so many in the “prime” of their life are killing themselves
Mentale gezondheid, en dan vooral bij mannen (duidelijk gereflecteerd in de cijfers), wordt vaak niet serieus genomen.
De oplossing is zo complex en de strijd moet gevoerd worden op zoveel verschillende fronten dat het een heel moeilijk probleem is om aan te pakken.
It would be interesting to question why Belgium has a 50% higher suicide rate than closer countries (France, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland…)
Per the article it has been since 2019 and nobody gives a shit. Even if they do it’s often focussed (rightfully) on the teenager group first, but nobody is asking why so many in the “prime” of their life are killing themselves