Democrazia adesso! L’alto funzionario azerbaigiano chiede: quando verranno liberati i reporter e gli attivisti arrestati?
Incidente durante l’incontro con Radosław Sikorski a Łódź. I manifestanti hanno gridato contro l’occupazione della Palestina
Pensavo che il livello più alto, a parte quello dei reali, partisse da A-1? di Cwmagain
radicalerudy on 09/09/2024 11:16 Koningshuis is just a number starting from 1, the ministers have the A starting A – 1. So i guess this guy just knew the rules that A – 0 was not used and used it.
Koningshuis is just a number starting from 1, the ministers have the A starting A – 1.
So i guess this guy just knew the rules that A – 0 was not used and used it.
Some wannabee rich arsehole………….
dubbel 0… license to kill!
🎵I’m tired of using technology🎵