Sasun Badasyan è stato rilasciato dalla carica di comandante del 5° Corpo d’Armata Sasun Badasyan fu sollevato dalla sua posizione di comandante del 5° Corpo d’Armata

di lmsoa941

1 Comment

  1. lmsoa941 on

    The decree was signed by the president based on the decree of the PM.

    Rumors are circulating in Armenian tg channels.

    Apparently the 5th corps was ranked the worst in terms of training reports. But the same can be said about the 3rd corps, who had many that passed with bad grades, but nothing changed.

    So it can be a loyalty problem, that is being reflected on the performance of the 5th corps.

    Everything I said can be found on TG channels.

    Edit: Other rumors say he was gay. Lmao

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