Questo è un sentiero dritto, amico. È ben battuto. Porta verso i palazzi. Come può essere una zona di divieto di sorpasso? Volevo prendere una scorciatoia dall’altra parte della strada per prendere l’autobus perché il mio amico ha detto che è possibile andarci a piedi, ma questo cartello mi ha confuso e ho perso l’autobus. L’ho evitato perché non voglio essere multato per violazione di proprietà privata, se è davvero così

di SelectCount7059


  1. HyperiFinland on

    Could just simply be that the property owners don’t want people walking through their yard anymore.

  2. Old_Lynx4796 on

    Some old fart putted it there, safe to ignore. Not a house as you see, just some building. You won’t get fined if you go through it 🤣 it’s not Nazi Germany

  3. I don’t know of these are official signs or enforceable if they are legitimate signs. Anyhow they should be respected because you are passing through private property or very close to someones yard or a window.

    If u don’t live there, go around. This is how I interpret these as a finn.

  4. Winteryl on

    Path is for property owners to go in their property from different direction. Think it kind of as second driveway but for walking, path version.

    Then other people have noticed, that using that path to go from road A to road B is a shortcut and started to walk through those peoples property. And property owners put the “läpikulku kielletty” sign. “Läpikulku” refers to walking through the property yard (using it as a shortcut), not using path to go into building on the lot. So that sign bans taking shortcut using that property yard for it.

    And yes, it is private property and by walking using that path, you would be taking short cut through someones backyard.

  5. Alert-Bowler8606 on

    People have probably started walking across somebody elses property, and they don’t want to.

    Like people used to walk over our yard, because it was a convenient shortcut while going to an area with lots of housing. Some of them threw trash in our yard and let their dogs poop there, some kids ran around and almost ended up under a car. Lots of problems. A sign didn’t stop them. We had to install a locked gate to get it to stop, and still some people climb over the fence…

  6. samje987 on

    The sign makes sense if the path is used by outsiders as a shortcut to somewhere else than the apartment building. Otherwise its a bit silly and futile since the path looks like its already pretty established. They should install a gate or a fence to make it really work.

  7. Kendaren89 on

    I don’t think you can get fined by that sign, it’s unofficial

  8. KampissaPistaytyja on

    Obviously they don’t want tens or hundreds of people trespassing on their private property daily because it’s a shorter way to the bus. I wonder why that is.

  9. Few-Lawfulness-2768 on

    By looking at the surroundings, I doubt the sign is legit. I have seen such stupid signs more often in recent years.

  10. Anaalirankaisija on

    It means: Trespassers will be shot, survivors will shot again. Dont go there, its private property.

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