È legittimo? Gli ho chiesto altre foto e mi ha detto che ne ha alcune


di Distinct_Cold_7362


  1. You don’t. If you buy it and ask him to send it via a courier, he might keep the GPU, your money and send you a rock inside the box. Buy things like that face to face.

  2. pagonis_ on

    I wouldn’t trust any “Andrei” on skelbiu-lt. Probably a scam, stay away.

  3. Mioleris on

    Hand to hand if possible 🙂
    And Andrei will not provide you warranty. So better buy brand new with warranty.

  4. BackgroundMean2078 on

    Just ask him to meet you in person, if he refuses then it’s a scam. There is no other way to know for sure.

  5. Bildozeris on

    So you will spend 30+ eur on a trip, to buy card which is 50 less than brand new and with warranty?

  6. CrazyBodybuilder928 on

    Also just to mention, especially when it’s about graphic cards, make sure it’s not used. Some of them like to sell stuff that was used for mining or other purposes. Graphic cards degrade over time, so I would suggest looking for brand new

  7. ImproveEveryday_ on

    Buy it using isperkamation deliveration. You can pamatyti what is viduj of deliveration and if it is nieko inside, sendation back.

  8. Badkill123 on

    Plenty of people sell on the second hand market “skelbiu.lt” some of it is scam. Sold plenty of stuff there, the price for this doesn’t seem suspicious.

    Also when buying or selling there from a private seller, always meet in person.

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