Ciao norvegesi. Al momento sono nel vostro eccellente paese per la prima volta e tutto è nuovo. Per favore, cos’è questo? Ho fatto scorrere le parole attraverso diverse app di traduzione ma tutte hanno restituito parole incomprensibili. È un formaggio? Ma credo che contenga zucchero, vero? Sembra interessante, quindi sono incuriosito.

di EponymousTitus


  1. IncredibleCamel on

    It’s not cheese, it’s caramelized milk of goat and cow.

  2. DibblerTB on

    It is brown cheese. Brown cheese is googleable.

    It is extra sweet, caramely and with Christmasy spices. India “just like your grandma would have made/liked it”. I think the name is weird, but love the cheese.

  3. Hoggorm88 on

    It’s brown cheese. A norwegian classic. My favorite is fløtemysost. The one you have there is called bestemorost, directly translated to “grandma cheese”. I think it’s the sweetest kind of brown cheese, because grandma’s are so sweet.

  4. The literal translation is Grandmother Cheese, which is as gibberishy in Norwegian. It’s apparently sweeter than the traditional brown cheese.

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