L’Armenia trasferirebbe la maggior parte dei suoi sistemi di difesa aerea all’Ucraina


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  1. CrazedZombie on

    Would be astoundingly idiotic if true and I heavily doubt it is

  2. Source: Some butthurt Russians who don’t like the fact that Armenia doesn’t suck on Russias tits anymore.

    Edit: Forgot to mention the Azerbaijani bots who copy their new best pals agenda.

  3. Sir_Arsen on

    no way lmao, I don’t think we’re in a position to share those things

  4. pride_of_artaxias on

    Why isn’t this flaired as misinformation? The article itself states it was reported by some Russian and Azerbaijani “sources”. At the very least should be flaired as unverified.

    This was also refuted by some prominent Armenian TG channels, including military ones.

  5. Lopsided_Praline_548 on

    Most likely it is the Artsakh weaponry that was captured last year, being sold by AZ to Ukraine.

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