Mi sento male. Quali sono le azioni legali che posso intraprendere per garantire che questo crimine non resti impunito?


di Vivienbe


  1. Don_Amaretto on

    Where was this so I can report this to the authorities?

  2. diatonico_ on

    I’d let it rest. The wood flooring may decide to prosecute you for ordering shitty, mass produced beer while having the Belgian nationality. Leffe is for selling to undiscerning foreigners.

  3. Inside-Resident-1206 on

    Pretty sure it was because they’re out of Leffe Glasses. I worked in a Belgian bar. These specialist beer glasses (specially Bollekes that are kinda large to store) are soon all gone during the busy moments, and you’ll need to pick an alternative without having the time to ask if it’s ok since you have glasses to bring and pick.

  4. alfreddofredo on

    If you like sweetened beer, how much can you care for the right glass?

  5. Kavaland on

    It´s Leffe, could as well be served in a lemonade glass. I see no issue here.

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