Hej Hej! Io guido una moto e continuo a imbattermi in questi cartelli con una descrizione aggiuntiva sotto. Il mio svedese è rudimentale e quindi mi chiedevo cosa significassero. Ho visto molte auto passare semplicemente oltre questi cartelli per raggiungere i luoghi turistici. Ho chiesto a un paio di miei amici e uno di loro ha detto che non ci è mai permesso attraversare mentre l’altro ha detto che ci è permesso attraversare se il bar è aperto/non disponibile. Quindi, sono confuso! Vorrei attraversare questo con la mia moto e accamparmi nella zona ma non voglio infrangere nessuna legge nel farlo. Qualcuno sa per certo cosa significa?


di TheNerdman7


  1. hallonlakrits on

    the boom is just to stop people that ignore the sign. if you have to ask you are not one of the motor vehicles allowed to access it.

    its probably a private road and thus not everyone is allowed to use it. if you had a bicycle you would be allowed though.

  2. TheNerdman7 on

    Thank you! For your valuable input! I by mistake did a double post of this question in r/stockholm. My apologies if you see it there too!

    Thanks again for your input! I shall stay away from these roads then!

  3. bananaphonk on

    The signs are read, top to bottom:

    > Any motortraffic other than moped class 1 forbidden.

    > Boom/Gate.

    > Does not apply to authorized traffic.

    If you have to ask yourself if you’re authorized traffic you’re probably not authorized. This is most often than not a private road that doesn’t lead anywhere where you need to go, and if it does lead to like a bathing spot it’s there to prevent a parking chaos or similar.

  4. TaleIll8006 on

    It means you are not allowed to drive there.

    Unless you are.

  5. yeathelong on

    The northern wilderness will take good care of you beyond that point.

  6. Beginning_Expert_204 on

    The ”vägbom” translated to road bomb/land mine will explode if you drive heavy vehicles like cars or motorbikes. Be careful.

  7. babbagoo on

    När man är behörig trafik är det bara trycka gasen i botten och ramma den jävla bommen

  8. tryanothermybrother on

    If you break the law you will make a local who witnessed it very very crossed with you.

  9. Big-Cap558 on

    Its to scare away motorcyclists who want to drive down the road and camp

  10. I hate these signs.. They block of access to way to many good fishing spots..

  11. No stunt drivning allowed. The car is actually jumping over the motorcycle and that is forbidden.

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