Il servizio sanitario nazionale deve riformarsi o morire, afferma il primo ministro, dopo un rapporto critico

di suspended-sentence


  1. inspired_corn on

    And of course the solution (according to Wes Streeting) will be privatisation. I’m sure the £175k he’s received from private health firms won’t have had anything to do with that decision.

    It’s so stupid how this has played out. The Tories play the bad guy and fuck the NHS up so much and then that gives Labour an excuse to “reform” things by continuing to sell off and outsource our public services. Thatcher would be proud of this lot.

  2. 3106Throwaway181576 on

    My wife is a Doctor, and would quite like for it to die so she can make a respectable living lol

  3. Icy-Hand3121 on

    Private health care won’t work in the UK as a lot of workers just don’t earn enough to afford the insurance.

    The UK would just be full of very ill people who can’t get back to work and subsist on government welfare.
    If the UK scrapped the NHS I’d be very tempted to leave the UK for another country and renounce citizenship.

    Shit wages.
    Shit healthcare.
    Impossible housing crisis.

    Nothing good left in the UK.

  4. botchybotchybangbang on

    Reform or die. Hmmmm prelude to something much!!??? Hate the way they treat the NHS that isn’t funded by us and that it not working properly is nothing to do with the Government and it’s continuous underfunding.

  5. HorseBarrierRoad on

    In a vanishingly rare moment of capability, he’s not wrong.

    This parliament is the last roll of the dice for the NHS and the public sector in anything like their current forms. They either delivers outcomes magnitudes better than today for no further money or it’s done.

    After this it’s small state all the way.

  6. Cold_Start_125 on

    As a GP if they doubled the GP budget which I think is less than 10% of the total budget I genuinely believe half the problems could be fixed.

    More funding would allow more investigations in primary. The current wait list for endometriosis is 12months. Their first appt is always a waste of time. Hello, we will send you for an MRI and see you again in 6 weeks which turns into 3 months.

    Repeat for virtually every condition.

    Right now GPs are not funded enough to do these things AND their actual job.

    Would help so much with A+E as well and with late cancer Dx.

    No doubt community funding will be given to third parties who dont have a clue and will waste more money.

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