L’inferno e l’orrore degli attacchi delle mucche: “Ho detto a mio marito di lasciarmi morire”


di masterblaster0


  1. socratic-meth on

    “If cows run towards you, don’t try and confront them: get yourself to a safe place.”

    Nah mate, fuck them up. You can take a herd of cows.

  2. wagonwheels87 on

    You know, I’m not entirely sure we ever properly domesticated half the animals we keep as livestock. We kinda just put some tasty food out for them and they played along.

    You ever look in a cow’s eyes? Murder and bloodshed I tell you, murder and bloodshed.

  3. ConflictGuru on

    If you hear them chanting “4 legs good, 2 legs bad” then it’s time to run

  4. SlySquire on

    It boggles my mind how unaware people are of the dangers. A heard spends most of it’s time in a field in front of my house. A right of way passes through the field and is popular with dog walkers. The amount of people who seem more than happy to try and split a herd with young calves in two as they walk their dogs off the lead down a path is shocking.

  5. quarky_uk on

    I was on a walk last weekend with cows and bulls in the same field. No way I was walking through.

  6. gentle_gardener on

    I was always told that if cows are charging you you should pull your coat/jumper off and hold it up as high as you can in as large a shape as you can to frighten them away. Dunno if it works, never had to try it, thank goodness

  7. IsWasMaybeAMefi on

    Years ago, I walked two of my previous dogs across a field. There was at least 300 yards between the public footpath and the cows.

    They were far away ….

    One of my then dogs was a Great Dane.

    Cows see what they thought was a lone calf and they came thundering at us. Let the dogs off lead, ran, made it to safety. Never crossed that field again.

    Found another walk which had cows in a fenced field and when they saw him, they ran toward.

    I’ve dealt with horses running at us – I stand still face them, arms and legs spread and the horses stop at a distance.

    Cows? Screw that, not going close.

  8. RemoveTomorrow on

    I got stuck between a calf and its mother on a walk last year. My sister had her dog with her as well, so they got quite agitated. Ended up making myself look big and shouting, which managed to clear a path to the gate which we were fortunately near.

    Reading that article makes me realise that it could have gone another way. I’ve had plenty of times when I’ve had to avoid a field because the cows basically don’t want you there!

  9. Well, any guilt I felt about eating steak just went out the window. Fuck them cows.

  10. Remarkable-Ad155 on

    First the orcas, now the cows. Nature is slowly turning on us and who can blame them? 

  11. tom-goddamn-bombadil on

    Warning for complete anectdata, but as someone who has spent a lot of time around cows I noticed they became more aggressive around twenty years ago. They have always been dangerous because they are big lumbering beasts (my grandfather was killed by an injury off one of his own herd) but I was never chased by a herd until the turn of the millenium. Then one herd near the village I lived in became notorious for it! MIght be talking completely out my arse but I wonder if there’s a breeding problem.

  12. buginarugsnug on

    There really should be warnings about the dangers when public footpaths run through a field with cows in. Unfortunately not everyone knows or realises how dangerous they are and assume that if its a public footpath then its safe to walk.

  13. kebabish on

    Your supposed to start singing to them to sooth them. They only like hits from the 90s though.

  14. Azimuth8 on

    I grew up on a farm, and generally speaking cows are pretty harmless and will normally back off if you make enough noise and motion.

    There is a very large caveat to that, however. If they have a calf and feel you are a threat then they are straight-up murder machines. As a dumb kid, I managed to get myself butted against a wall a few times until my Dad pulled me out of there. Not the best way to learn that lesson, but effective.

  15. Flimsy-Possible4884 on

    I spent my entire childhood sneaking up on cows and jumping on their back was never even hurt, cows are docile as fuck

  16. Betrayedunicorn on

    I was walking across the Mendip hills for a week with a tent and entered a huge field. Halfway through, around the corner came running a huge herd with calves. Absolutely bricked it, dropped my pack and ran. The calves are so inquisitive they ran straight for me and the adults followed.

    It took ages to tactically wait for them to disperse before I snuck in to reclaim my pack. Most anxiety induced field crossing after.

    Not a chance I was messing with those. There were also loads of random goats everywhere in that place that liked to headbutt you. Just loads of aggressive ‘safe’ animals all about.

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