“Fanculo quelle piccole bolle di sperma” – Liam Gallagher risponde al disprezzo di Fontaines DC per la reunion degli Oasis


di norodaisy


  1. Proof-Strategy-1483 on

    Have such a turn off oasis now. They don’t care about their fans, just money

  2. Charming-Potato4804 on

    Good name for a band

    The Spunkbubbles!

    Jizz, hard to beat that!


  3. Kektus_Jack on

    I have no idea who Fontaine DC are ( I’m an out of touch old man) but Liam Gallagher is a fucking irrelevant pleb and Oasis have always been shite…. There I said it.

  4. No_Elderberry_924 on

    Both of the brothers are so cringe, they think they are so edgy and hard 😂

    Don’t even get me started on their bang average music.

  5. sted1983 on

    Liam is a head melt, him and Noel doing shows just proves that they’re sell outs, but he’s right about these shams.

    Every interview I see with them now just shows them looking more and more like shitehawks, one hair clip and bad outfit at a time. Dogrel was lethal though.

  6. StrictHeat1 on

    Right so
    “Oasis or Fontaines DC?” doesn’t have the same ring to it tho.

  7. More-Investment-2872 on

    They’re just a shit Beetles tribute band. And the Beetles were shit as well so they’re doubly shit. Blur were better.

  8. askmebollox on

    Fontaines are a really good and interesting band. Will be going to see them live next month for the first time. The singer has already came out to say he loves Oasis. Whatever people think of Noel or Liam or Oasis or reunions, there’s this revisionist history that suggest they were a terrible band. Definitely Maybe is sonically one of the best albums I’ve ever heard. They made even a three chord song like Columbia sound out of this world. They followed it up with WTSMG, and I can tell you at the time that everyone in Ireland seemed to know every word of every song on that album, not just the songs they released. Be Here Now, although critically panned, was a all killer, no filler album. One criticism maybe was that the songs were slightly too long. They released a commercially successful album of FUCKING B SIDES with amazing songs like Talk Tonight, Rocking Chair and The Masterplan. There were even B SIDES that I loved that didn’t make the cut like Idlers Dream and Flashbax. No other artist in my lifetime, or I imagine before, has ever done something like that. Oasis were not just a band, they were a movement. Of course people have nostalgia for it. It’s a point in time that’ll never come again. Let them enjoy it. 

  9. Patient_Variation80 on

    Fontaines DC offered to be the support band for the Oasis gigs in Dublin next year but were turned down.

  10. unshavedmouse on

    The independent turned into a hardcore porn mag so gradually I didn’t even notice.

  11. To be fair, the state of these little Muppets who haven’t achieved a thing, thinking that they can have a pop at Oasis. Just looking at them will tell you everything you need to know about them.

  12. gnrlp2007 on

    All these reunions, Fontaine, and I’ll I can think of is your son

  13. DarkSkyz on

    After seeing Fontaines live I think he’s just pissed off that Grian copies his whole hands behind the back stage shtick.

    I say that as a fan of Fontaines although I wish the Skerries man would stop pretending he’s a hard inner city Dub. 

  14. PeatSmoked on

    No such thing as bad publicity. Ffs they supported Liam a few years back, they know what they’re doing.

  15. RobotIcHead on

    I kinda agree I tried to get oasis tickets and when I saw the queue (still weird to say that about online events) I though it is going to be a lot of people reliving or rewriting their youth, nostalgia feels nice. Oasis are over hyped, they are good but new music should be celebrated. I saw Blur play a few times in recent years and they were epic.

  16. longhairedfreakyppl on

    Almost like he enjoys saying controversial things…

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