Qual è il significato di questa piccola spilla che ho comprato a Stoccolma?


di ThePaleHorse44


  1. It’s a commemoration pin for the international workers day, called “första maj”, for that year. Work, democracy, freedom.

  2. AttTankaRattArStorre on

    It means that you probably voted for the cunt Olof Palme back in the 70s.

  3. Cookiest0mper on

    It used to mean power and freedom for the proletariat. Now it means open borders, cultural and demographic suicide, lbtq “rights” and all sorts of nonsense. The fact that this previously anti capitalist movement is now supported by global capitalists is the icing on the cake.

  4. CaligoA9C on

    It means you are now a communist 👉

    (Just messing with you, I hope you enjoyed your stay, Minthon translated it right) 😁

  5. Foreign_Helicopter_4 on

    Its a pice of Swedish history. If its a good or bad history im not the one to say

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