Ulf a Järna ha combattuto per l’ONU in Bosnia 30 anni fa – crede nel potere della violenza nei conflitti [– Vi förhindrade krig genom att bli otäcka, ladda vapen och säga: ”Om ni inte lägger av så skjuter vi”.]


di LittleStar854


  1. LittleStar854 on

    En av dem som var med delar med sig av minnesanteckningar:

    [“Jag tjänstgjorde hösten 1993 som tung kulspruteskytt på Nordbat 2, Vakt och Eskortpluton.”](https://forum.soldf.com/topic/7853-massakern-i-stupni-do-1993-10-22/?do=findComment&comment=149804) ([English](https://forum.soldf.com/topic/7853-massakern-i-stupni-do-1993-10-22/?do=findComment&comment=152196))

    En annan artikel om samma Norbat 2:

    [Trigger-Happy, Autonomous, and Disobedient: Nordbat 2 and Mission Command in Bosnia](https://thestrategybridge.org/the-bridge/2017/9/20/trigger-happy-autonomous-and-disobedient-nordbat-2-and-mission-command-in-bosnia)

    >Into the Fire

    >Shortly after it had been deployed to Bosnia in December 1993, Nordbat 2 found itself in its first serious hostile encounter. A Swedish platoon was sent to relieve a Canadian company which was providing security for a mostly abandoned hospital compound in a remote area. As soon as the Canadians left, a Croatian battalion-sized unit showed up and promptly mined the only road leading to the compound, ensuring that the Swedes would be unable to receive reinforcements.

    >Then they issued an ultimatum: hand over the three Muslim nurses, and we will leave you alone. The Swedish platoon leader, Captain Stewe Simson, radioed battalion command, and was told that it was his call to make, since he was the one in charge at the location. Captain Simson refused to hand over the nurses and instead ordered his men to prepare for combat.

    >Vastly outnumbered and outgunned, Captain Simson realized that it was unrealistic to expect that his unit would survive a full-out assault. Nevertheless, he was determined not to give in. The Croats started to fire mortar rounds, but the Swedes held their positions. After a few hours, the Croats issued a new ultimatum: the nurses could stay if the Croats were granted free passage to the compound. Again, Captain Simson refused. The situation remained tense throughout the night, with the Swedes maintaining full combat readiness. In the morning, the Croats negotiated with the Swedes and eventually left, quietly dropping their ultimatums. Nordbat 2 had shown resolve even in the face of hopeless odds, achieving a strategically important victory as a result of a decision made by a platoon commander.

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