Continuo a ricevere annunci da ImmoScout su questa alternativa DirectDeposit a una normale Mietkaution. Sono legittime? Per qualcuno che viene da fuori dalla Germania, c’è un vero vantaggio? O è una truffa? Sono un po’ spaventato all’idea di sborsare la caparra…

Mietkaution services?
byu/Witty-Internal9260 ingermany

di Witty-Internal9260

1 Comment

  1. BroccoliLimp8653 on

    There are quite a few of these deposit services.
    They are not a scam, but offer a service. You pay a monthly fee and get a certificate to handover to your (future) landlord. The certificate states that they vouch for a certain amount of money. So if there are damages to the property the landlord can get the money from the service provider.
    And the service provider will get the money from you.

    So in the end you’ll have to pay anyway and have the additional monthly fee to pay. So you might spend more in the long run.

    However you do not have to hand a big amount of cash to the landlord right now

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