Victoria Derbyshire: “Mio padre mi picchiava con un cucchiaio, mi colpiva con una cintura e mi gettava addosso la zuppa bollente”

di alyaaz


  1. crumpertoppumperr on

    They are missing the “And I turned out fine” at the end.

  2. Casting_in_the_Void on

    My Dad threw a tennis racquet at me once. Another time a house brick. When young he had an old belt to hit me with.

    As an adult I punched him hard enough that he fell over when he threatened violence.

    My Mom committed suicide over an affair he was having when I was a teenager.

    Yet…we are good now. I had a wonderful childhood on the whole. Spoilt, really. He bought me anything I wanted. We’ve had our rough patches but now we get along great.

    Corporal punishment should never be encouraged nor condoned. I helped raise two great young people without violence or the threat thereof.

  3. pajamakitten on

    My dad went through similar, with mu granddad even serving time for assault several times (against other adults, not my dad and his brothers). My dad is clearly still scarred from this and it made him very overprotective of me, except this manifested as shouting at me and not letting me be independent. At least he was happy to admit that he would never lay a finger on me because he knew what that might do to me. He could never have lived with himself if he became his dad like that.

  4. remedy4cure on

    We were sitting at the dinner table, and my brother flipped me off with the middle finger.

    My pops, in a fit of rage decided it would be a good idea to bop my bro over the head with a ketchup bottle.

    BOP it goes, and then SPLOOSH, as the bottle exploded ketchup all over everyone. Ah fun times, fun traumatic times.


    Yeah we got the wooden spoon, belt, smacked, etc. Etc.

    Not great really. I don’t think it helped.

  6. Allmychickenbois on

    Until you have children and you have to live with it all the time, you can’t imagine how tiring and stressful and infuriating it can be sometimes, even when you adore every hair on their head and they’re the most important thing in your whole world.

    What you don’t fucking do, when you feel tired and stressed and infuriated like that, is hit them. You’re the adult. Control your emotions and if you can’t, leave the room until you can.

  7. Green-Taro2915 on

    A.smacked bum for being a little shit should be a deterant, not the norm. If it’s more than once every blue moon, then it’s probably wrong. I was a little shit until I got a smack from my mum. I tell you what, after that I never wanted to be smacked again! I’m glad she didn’t hesitate, but it being so unlike her and out of character made the biggest impact. I can’t even remember if it hurt, but I definitely remember the shock that I got a smack., I definitely didn’t do that again!

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