52.000 case all’anno necessarie in 25 anni – Banca Centrale


di rackplead788


  1. LuckyConstruction546 on

    Good time to own, or to expect an inheritance!

    Buying the largest house, in most expensive area one can afford is a great investment, tax free and growing at 10% per year in past few years, myself I am living alone in a 5 bed near city centre, and working fully remote.

    Saw a house few doors down sell for 300k over asking, and boy that felt good.

    I am not sure why we tax property at such low rates, but sure I am grateful for that, it is like living in luxury and getting paid for it.

  2. KILLIGUN0224 on

    53k homes also require roads, schools, hospitals, prisons… You can be sure we won’t build either the houses or the infrastructure.

  3. High_Flyer87 on

    Need to build more high rise apartments to meet housing needs. By high rise I mean higher than the poxy 4 story ones I see going up everywhere.

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