È scomparso Salvatore Schillaci


di Pitiful-Mongoose-488


  1. bingybong22 on

    Very sad news.  He is part of Irish cultural history. 

  2. funpubquiz on

    Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

    Schillachi briefly became a by word for bollox when I was growing up.

  3. Irishspirish888 on

    The big dirty bastard. 

    Well I hope he enjoyed the glamorous lifestyle and the women, the cantankerous tomcat of an Italian. 

  4. asdrunkasdrunkcanbe on

    Interesting article. I was only a kid and had a decent interest in football at the time, and always wondered how this name seemed to appear out of nowhere for one world tournament and then almost disappeared again.

    Reading the article seems like his entire career peaked right in the middle of Italia ’90.

    59 is too young. Ar dheis Dé.

  5. jammydodger79 on

    A man who still looms large in the nightmares of Irish folk of a certain age, aswell as leaving Pakie Bonner shell shocked.
    He may be an Italian #legend but he’s an iconic part of Irish Football’s history.

    RIP Toto.

    RIP Schillachi

  6. oceanview4 on

    I am so sad to hear this , very fond memories of that time ! Sher he became one of our own ! Rest in peace Toto

  7. External-Chemical-71 on

    Toto. He broke our hearts. We didn’t hold it against him. The epitome of a goal poacher. RIP

  8. BlueBloodLive on

    Ah poor man, 59 is very young.

    My friends dad asked me to come down to the GAA club and have a go, I was maybe 5. Scored a hat trick in my first game, and my friends dad like “that a boy Schillaci!” and because no one else really knew me the name stuck, sometimes still to this day.

    Every now and again I’ll bump into an old friend and they’ll say “ah toto” or “ah schillaci whats up?”

    RIP Toto, it was a pleasure to be given your name!

  9. jimmobxea on

    Never go up against a Sicilian when <a World Cup semi final> is on the line.


  10. aPOCalypticDaisy on

    Fuck Schillaci is burned into my brain, amazing how one goal can be remembered by a nation, may he rest in peace.

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