Conseguenze dello sfondamento del fronte macedone/di Salonicco, 1918

di Books_Of_Jeremiah


  1. el_primo on

    Dojran defence by the Bulgarian army still being taught as a model in military schools worldwide.

  2. bellus_Helenae on

    I have a strange feeling that someone is trying to play the Balkan historical card as fuel to incite hatred and mistrust once again. Fellow Redditors, there is no need to rewatch a cheap (albeit more violent) remake of this movie.

  3. Illustrious_Bat3189 on

    Ah the daily /r/europe nationalistic circlejerk over a battle fought over 100 years ago.  Bonus: it‘s spicy balkan circlejerk

     Next up: picture of a random boring castle

  4. This look like an old school manipulated photo. The horses look somewhat off. The shadows of the one on the left don’t match with the rest. It could be added.

    The bird on top of the second horse seems to have a different grain too.

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