Il presidente ceco Petr Pavel si rimbocca le maniche e aiuta le vittime dell’alluvione nella regione di Olomouc [from Instagram]

di Brad_McMuffin


  1. peanutmilk on

    this is such a quintessential politician picture

    don’t doubt Pavel is helping, it’s just that every single politician takes a picture like this in every natural disaster. It’s a cliche

  2. Francescok on

    I mean, cool pic and everything, but he’s the president and he should be doing more important stuff.

  3. Damn you OP for leaving those pips at the bottom. Got me trying to swipe left and right to see the rest of the images.

  4. Igsp92ns on

    It’s all nice but it’s not his job to do that, nor is he payed for that. Pure political points 🙄

  5. LaBomsch on

    I super much dislike those pictures tho I know that they are important in politics.

    However, with Pavel it still looks amazing.

  6. jaroslaw-psikuta on

    He’s cool and all but that’s just a propaganda photo.

  7. Czech_Coconut on

    Such a good feeling to see president of your country doing great and helpful things. Especially after 2 most disgusting predecessors and pro-Russian trolls – MZ + VK.

  8. ziplin19 on

    I don’t care who the president is but sending a lot of love to Czechia from Germany, i hope the people affected by the flood recover soon

  9. Oleleplop on

    politicians doing this is always a PR move.

    It’s a cool picture and a cool gesture, but it’s meaningless as this isn’t what the people are asking of them anyway.

  10. Paul_Ch91 on

    Our president was literally in holiday for the past 5 years, sad.

  11. Whatever the comments say about it being a publicity picture, it is a million times better than the pictures of a guy standing in the middle of a crowd shooting hoops with rolls of toilet paper after a hurricane.

  12. Substantial_Fox_6721 on

    I’m always amazed by these sorts of situations – surely the best use of the leader of the country is to organise others (e.g. military, police, etc), move funds around to help, declare emergencies and other such stately acts instead of shifting boxes?

  13. shoopdyshoop on

    He’s doing it wrong… He needs to take the items one by one and throw them to the needy. Preferably paper towels to help dry their possessions out.


  14. Klabinka on

    Good guy.
    Even it is just this one box, he shows the right way for other people.
    And same time president of Poland is going to meet trump, disgusting.

  15. We took a group photo with him as voluntary helpers, great day to help!

  16. JollyGeologist3957 on

    Using a disaster for personal gain is so honorable!

  17. MintPasteOrangeJuice on

    A warm welcome to all the russian bots in the comments complaining about the president helping his people and that he “is not doing his job”. The amount of accounts complaining about this, and this fast, is suspish.

    If he didn’t visit the region, you’d be programmed to complain about why he doesn’t care about supporting affected people.

    He’s doing his part. What have *you* done to help the affected by flooding in Europe.

  18. Sure_Dust_5625 on

    I am reading the comments, and just wanna say – call me naive, but Petr Pavel is the kind of dude who would be out there helping whether he is the president or just a bloke from a random village.

  19. That’s the reward for 10 years with our previous president.

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