“I prezzi degli immobili vanno solo in una direzione”: impennata del mercato mentre gli acquisti dettati dal panico prendono piede


di LucyVialli


  1. Matthew94 on

    At some point news websites should just have a permanent section that says “supply and demand still exists”.

  2. Imbecile_Jr on

    And yet the Irish are getting ready to give FFGG another few years to make this even worse. We deserve every single bit of this mess

  3. sweatyknacker on

    This is great news for the majority of the electorate.

  4. tallpaul89 on

    With the upcoming rate cuts from ECB, people will be able to borrow more again so you can be sure that will increase house prices.

  5. dimebag_101 on

    Such a load of shit. Literally media helping to inflate the market.

  6. Snoo_96075 on

    Honestly it is just like 2006 all over again. Property supplements in the Sunday Newspapers. Over hyped market, news of property market only going in one direction etc. I never thought we’d be back here again.

  7. Reasonable_Yak7899 on

    Its a long drawn out process getting mortgage approval and offers accepted so theres no average joes panic buying in the real sense.

  8. TheCunningFool on

    Deciding to buy 4 years ago when we were 28, whilst people around us were calling us daft to be buying at that price, feels pretty good right around now.

  9. Augustus_Chavismo on

    But but I thought the people around the world investing in Irish housing were wrong about their investments only increasing in value and revenue

    Could it be that the people in power don’t view the housing crisis as a crisis?

  10. EmeraldDank on

    This was said in 2008 as every jumped on the ladder and was convinced no way there could be a recession.

    Crash is coming. Its inevitable.

  11. Educational-Ad6369 on

    I think after a boomy start in Cork there are murmurings things have slowed down on viewings and bids. Doesnt mean declines but some of froth and panic buying hopefully stops.

    Inflation expectation is killer. If people think house prices will rise 10% then theyll bid up now as itll be worse in year. Need to get to 2% pa levels so theres not this rush to buy

  12. IzLitFam on

    Holding till the floor collapses on house prices, then will get one for the price of bag of crisp. It’s imminent to happen.

  13. IrishCrypto on

    Around 2004 headlines like this started appearing, people panicked and bought apartments in Bulgaria etc ‘just to get their foot on the ladder ‘.

    I really hope those borrowing at 4x salary with a car on Finance and kids in a Creche are more robust financially than people were back then.

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