Vladimir Putin vuole che i russi facciano sesso durante le pause dal lavoro a causa del calo delle nascite, afferma che il destino della Russia dipende da questo


di BkkGrl


  1. Fancy-Row-9801 on

    When you think Russia has reach an all-time low, Putin keep digging. What a disaster of a country.

  2. CompanyAltruistic116 on

    Some russians are having kids at South Brazil to get the citizenship, all europeans countries are having some low birth rate problem, imagine for a country where your son could go to war in the future.

  3. The Russian leader is crazy. His replacement will probably be too.

  4. IndistinctChatters on

    This sounds like an episode of “The Handmaid’s Tale”: I guess that the Lvova-Belova is Aunt Lidia.

  5. Any-Revolution5233 on

    “Sorry I’m late boss I was banging my girl for Putin”

  6. Bountyhunter1190 on

    Russia has already sealed it’s destiny. Work break quickies won’t change anything about that.

  7. Okay, this title is clickbait and extremely misleading (even outright lying)…

    >Health Minister Dr. Yevgeny Shestopalov supports the idea, dismissing busy work schedules as a deterrent. “You can have children during breaks,” he said, responding to concerns about long working hours.

    …but that doesn’t make this statement any less incredibly absurd, bordering on comical.

  8. Sylveon_Mage on

    Not enough meat to use as cannon fodder in the war it seems. Desperate much?

  9. Stiefschlaf on

    So, Ukraine should attack during lunch breaks because Russian troops are busy?

  10. notmyfirstrodeo2 on

    I don’t see how their demographic are not rising, Putin been fu**ing them all every single day for decades now.

  11. Fun_Performer_5170 on

    He could fake the numbers like ceaucescu in romania did

  12. Caos1980 on

    Are they going to start recruiting women to the front lines to enable more mingling?

  13. i_am_who_knocks on

    World citizens put these Old farts as leaders and then become suprised by their demented ways

  14. Similar_Trust9339 on

    With whom hey will do it, with each other?
    In the army? In the prisons?

  15. Empty-Blacksmith-592 on

    Also Putin, work breaks are no more than 10 minutes, that’s enough to make a baby.

    Don’t be late or face punishment.

  16. Who says democracy is the best when you can get mandates like this. 😛

  17. Zarerion on

    This has got to be the 6th time I read this headline in the past two days on Reddit, why does it keep being reposted every 5 hours?

  18. Illustrious_Peach494 on

    They do have sex, just not the kind that changes birthrate

  19. SmugCapybara on

    Well, if the fate of Russia depends on it, maybe he should consider not hoarding all the wealth for himself and his cronies? Maybe stop fighting a pointless war that’s wasting young men that could be helping with this demographic issue? Maybe do anything other than enrich himself and engorge his own ego? No?

    Then why should the average Russian care about the fate of Russia when the person benefitting the most from said fate isn’t willing to do anything to help the situation?

  20. This guy wants an army /s

    Or /and he wants fast replacement for those he sent or prepare to send.

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