Circa 500 persone prendono parte alla protesta in O’Connell St

di badger-biscuits


  1. fedupofbrick on

    Middle of the day on a thursday. Wonder did they take a half day off work

  2. portalz7 on

    Getting sick of these cunts waving tricolours around as if they represent the vast majority of people in Ireland

  3. Jean_Rasczak on

    Those foreigners

    Coming over here taking our jobs

    Oh wait…..come over here taking other peoples jobs

  4. rclonecopymove on

    if they’re trying out for del Monte I don’t think they’re going to get the gig.

  5. Wompish66 on

    Fascinating that they decide to do this in the middle of a workday.

  6. ImpovingTaylorist on

    The silent ‘magority’…


  7. arruda82 on

    Plot twist: all immigrants leave, country collapses, they need to find a job.

  8. Dazzling_Snow_3603 on

    Good let’s stop putting dozens of unvetted migrants without passports across the street from girls schools which is whats happening in Dundalk rn.

  9. originalface1 on

    “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the highest black man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him someone to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you”.

  10. DBrennan13459 on

    Anyone else find it odd that the article gives the number for the people who attended the protest but not the number of people who attended the counter protest?

  11. Bill_Badbody on

    For context on how many people 500 people is.

    1400 people are travelling to Helsinki for the ireland vs Finland game next month.

    We haven’t won an away game in 1041 days………

    So 500 people, is not impressive.

  12. johnk1000 on

    Let’s kick out the only people keeping the country going when all our youth is going to Australia and Canada due to the terrible future being left to them in this country. I swear these anti-immigrants people have two brain cells fighting to be first

  13. Atreides-42 on

    How is it that racism gets people so much more riled up than any of the actual problems with how the country is run?

  14. Passed by there getting a bus , 500 people is very generous number

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