Starmer afferma che ho il controllo dopo le fughe di notizie sullo stipendio di Sue Gray

di JayR_97


  1. So because someone is paid more than the PM… that immediately means they’re in control of everything rather than the PM?

    This is another non-story in a run of non-stories the Tory media are screaming about…. the only recent actual story is the whole gifts thing, and even that’s been blown out of proportion

  2. 99thLuftballon on

    So, anyone who used to make the argument “The BBC isn’t biased towards the tories, it’s biased to whoever’s in government at the time” – that argument’s not looking so strong, is it?

  3. bateau_du_gateau on

    She ousted one PM, immediately got a job with another where she earns more than him, and her son became a safe-seat MP. But I am sure there is nothing to see here.

  4. inspired_corn on

    It’s funny because I actually believe him. I think he thinks he’s the one in charge, which just speaks of how much of a fool he is.

    Labour Together and their American backers are who actually run the country. Starmer’s just the figure head (or fall guy depending how you see it)

  5. chronicnerv on

    Joffrey Baratheon “I am the king!”

    Tywin Lannister “Any man who must say, ‘I am the king,’ is no true king.”

  6. eec-gray on

    They aren’t in those jobs for the money. All about power. Kier has and could make much much more in the private sector.

  7. FarmerJohnOSRS on

    Am I the only one that assumed they would be paid more?

  8. Littleloula on

    This is such a non story. There’s roles in the civil service that have always been paid more than the PM

    But the PM also gets free houses and a bunch of other stuff as part of the “package” including the lifelong “public duty allowance” which I think is over 100k per year

  9. Due_Cranberry_3137 on

    This is all normal guys, nothing to see here. Labour are doing a bang up job.

  10. Flimsy-Possible4884 on

    Control is something people feel not what they are told… I don’t feel the leadership in this country has much control over anything right now.

  11. AWright5 on

    Sue Gray is such a TV show character. She comes out of the woodwork occasionally for some important plot line. Very line of duty

  12. lookatmeman on

    I like how they say it is an ‘internal civil service matter’. They can send thousands out to die in a war, screw peoples finances over in a hearbeat and even authorise use of nuclear weapons but some how have no power to right this wrong.

  13. technurse on

    She’s just got that grindset. She’s a highly experienced person and her pay is set to match what she would get should she be headhunted by private industry.

  14. Popeychops on

    Except nowhere other than the headline is he quoted saying those three consecutive words. Classic BBC client journalism, slinging mud at Labour

  15. Shazalamadingdong on

    Someone else posted this link and someone else said the writer of the article in this link had an “agenda” – If there was an agenda, it was to warn us of who he really is, although anyone paying attention since the day Starmer u-turned on his Ten Pledges a couple of years ago, we expected maybe just a LITTLE bit of difference from the previous governments…


    He’s getting flak from all angles right now, they’ve tried to dilute it with getting Gray and Al Fayed a ton of exposure (although to be fair, Al Fayed had that coming if the stories are true). He deserves all the attacks he’s getting in the press. Strangely (sic), The Guardian isn’t saying all that much and most of the articles they are posting about anything have the comments turned off – A stark difference from six months ago, for sure.

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