L’UE vuole ancora scansionare le tue chat private: ecco cosa puoi fare al riguardo


di adamgerd


  1. Bronek0990 on

    Why is it always “think of the children”? Whenever someone gets a totalitarian idea to introduce cameras up everyone’s assholes, it’s always that same excuse. Even though it just isn’t effective at catching predators.

  2. Isotheis on

    So all there is to do now is to get a VPN, is what this website is saying? =(

  3. It’s absolutely unconscionable that Sweden, Spain, France, Finland ministers all support this. Only Germany and Poland seem to be protecting European values here. It’s such a blatant dismantling of democracy and fundamental privacy rights. This is a surveillance system akin to China – it cannot be allowed to pass.

  4. uulluull on

    If one wants full security, then it must end up in totalitarianism.

    Security requires permanent scanning, recording, observing etc. This leads to totalitarianism, as institutions put tools in place and those tools will be misused with time in any occasion that something can go wrong. (Currently, we have some evidence of this looking in Hungary.)

    At the other hand, if one wants to have freedom, then it must take into account the risk. This is just unsolvable nature of this dichotomy, where “safe” must end in totalitarianism, ana “free” must bring risk. It is just impossible to have both.

    At the end, one have totalitarianism and there is no security at all also.

    The nature of the problem shows one of two possible issues:

    1. UE decision makers do not understand that. Then it is a huge problem and we should question about their competence.
    2. UE decision makers understand it. Then they are dangerous in my opinion.

    The rest for children etc. is just a game.

  5. Where is the Volt Europa guy 🤣🤣
    Thats what happens when you actually try to copy what USA did without having similar conditions, lol.

  6. QuietGanache on

    How about a fair trade: if the system is allowed to go ahead, all supporting politicians, as well as the administrators of the scanning system will face significant prison terms equal to the maximum prescribed for any crime facilitated by the system.

    For example, if a German citizen is a victim of LOVEINT (stalking by employees of intelligence agencies), the stalker, everyone in their chain of command above them and every politician that voted in favour of the measure will all be jailed for three years each. If they can’t keep control of the operatives running the system, some politicians might never get out of prison.

    If they object, clearly they don’t care enough about the kids to reassure everyone into accepting the system with adequate safeguards.

  7. Standard-Plan1506 on

    How is this supposed to work? are they planning to force companies like apple or meta with their messenger/whatsapp to abandon end to end encryption or force them to introduce backdoors? they’re never going to comply and then what – are they going to block them just like apple and their ai? that’s absurd. thanks european commission i really appreciate, it’s all for our own benefit after all right?

  8. Mysterious-Boss8799 on

    While people are worrying about AfD, Vox, RN & co. the real (euro)fascists are already banning news media, criminalizing protest, confiscating wealth and ploughing money into rearmament.

  9. This type of stuff makes me think we dont have a democracy and flares my fears of the deep state.

    There is now way a majority of europeans support having the government read all of their chats. yet somehow this is the reality.

  10. Ongezout_ on

    Can anyone explicitly tell us plebs what we should do in order to combat this bill? Sure, email the MEP’s, but exactly how should we explain why they should vote against?

  11. clydethefrog on

    Why are people worried about this here? They will only scan the chats of terrorists. Just as Israel only exploded the pagers of terrorists! If you are not a terrorist, you also have nothing to be fearful about.

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