I biglietti omaggio da 35.000 sterline di Keir Starmer mettono sotto esame i piani dell’ente regolatore del calcio


di ShufflingToGlory


  1. denyer-no1-fan on

    >“I’ve been offered tickets elsewhere in the ground where it’s more secure. We don’t have to use taxpayer money on additional security. And that’s why I’ve taken the decision that I have.”

    Here’s an alternative decision: reject the offer and don’t watch the games in person like millions of fans worldwide. You are not any more entitled to watch your favourite team’s games in person than everyone else. If you’re so desperate to watch the games, resign your Prime Minister post so you don’t need all the security that comes with it.

  2. Vondonklewink on

    No need for any security at all if you’re sat at home watching it on the TV like most of the plebs. Post a tweet about the score. Whole thing reeks of entitlement, and frankly, corruption. Football governance bill coming up. It’s like he’s out to make himself as unlikeable as he can.

  3. Glad_Macaroon_9477 on

    Wouldn’t it just be better if this cost just came out of his own pocket? He doesn’t have too physically be present for the games. Maybe Arsenal could just give him a PM discount on the box.

  4. Species1139 on

    All people of position get these kind of freebies.

    It’s a big issue here because the UK media is run by right wing arseholes who will highlight and pull apart everything Starmer does good or bad.

    I don’t give a shit if the PM gets a free box at Arsenal, I don’t care if he gets free clothes and glasses. It’s a drop in the ocean.

    I do care that he is doing his best to fix our problems, that at the end of this term he has made things better than they are now. So far I think he’s doing okay considering the mess we are in.

    So I reserve judgement for then and won’t be swayed by the gutter press who excused Boris Johnson time after time for his many, many freebies

  5. Shazalamadingdong on

    What is really disgusting me is that most of the common sense arguments about this in the press are coming from Tory MPs and I hate the Tories with a passion!

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