Un ladro di negozi della Northumbria è stato bandito da tutti i negozi tranne tre dopo aver accumulato 171 condanne


di masterblaster0


  1. Real-Fortune9041 on

    Now that prisons are full, can we just send people straight to the crematorium?

  2. Bananasonfire on

    >The “nuisance offender” was recently caught on 24 April after she went into TK Maxx on Westmorland Retail Park in Cramlington and helped herself to £1,500 worth of bags before leaving without paying.

    Listen, when you see someone stealing £1500 worth of bags, no you didn’t.

  3. > This means she will now be prevented from entering any shop in the area, with the exception of a pharmacy, a clothing retailer and a supermarket.

    > If she ignores the terms of the order, she faces arrest and a possible jail term.

    So, is the punishment just a threat?

  4. Firm_Organization382 on

    A female shop lifter who has skinny arms?

    Dad joke

  5. BluebirdDesigner5267 on

    Imagine the resources this woman has cost us all when you consider police, prison, lawyers etc.

    I mean it’s part of society but fuck me the punishments need to be harsher and quicker.

    There should be no such thing as a “serial offender”.
    There should be done “did more than once or twice so isn’t allowed to mingle with the rest of society and will stay behind bars until it can be proven they’re no longer a burden to society” or there should be caught once and never again and that turned their shit around.

    Too much leeway these days to deter people whereas normal people seem to be taken to the cleaners for innocuous 1st time minor things and can lose everything.

  6. ben_bedboy on

    British people get so horny about shitting on people like this.

  7. CoastinAlong on

    She looks like she’s shoplifting in the hopes of accidentally shoplifting some brain cells

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