Perché il Regno Unito non può semplicemente rimandare i migranti in Francia, come afferma Reform

di Alert-One-Two


  1. Careless_Main3 on

    Ehh, Greece has been doing this to Turkey for a while. They drag the boats back to Turkish waters and inform the Turkish coast guard to pick them up. It doesn’t require an agreement, it requires a willingness to piss off your neighbour.

  2. Dry_Sandwich_860 on

    Farage knows that people who are thick enough to support Reform are going to believe what they want to believe. It has worked for him repeatedly.

    He can say there’s a simple solution and it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not. The thick choose to believe it. My parents moved to an area that was full of them when I was a child. I could never tell if people actually did believe the nonsense they’d spout or if it was that they were so shut out of decent educational and work opportunities that they felt the people in charge could and should be able to do anything.

    At any rate, the French specifically told the UK not to go into Iraq with the USA and destabilize the Middle East. Of course their warnings were right and all they got for it was abuse at the time and a migrant crisis that’s costing them a fortune. It should be 100% on the UK to deal with the crisis.

  3. Due_Cranberry_3137 on

    Can we not just work on the assumption that all of these people are French. If a Frenchman entered the country without a passport, he’d be sent back to France

  4. Wakeup_Ne0 on

    The military should be controlling the English channel. They would stop the migrants over night in one day. They cover larger crossings than this in Baghdad with drones and boats. It’s really not rocket science.

  5. We used to be able to do that, until we left the EU, and whose bright idea was that?

  6. hobbityone on

    Of course we can’t.

    It needs repeating again and again.

    Firslty, those seeking asylum have a legal right to come to the UK for those purposes. So we either leave the agreements we signed up to (further isolating ourselves and risk economic impacts), or we put in place a system that allows us to process applications.

    Secondly, As the article points out, we can’t just impinge on another nations sovereignty. I find it laughable that Farage, a man who placed so much stock in national sovereignty, feels we can take it away from other countries.

    People need to get their head around the idea that we simply cannot just send people back, turn boats around, kick em out or send them to Rwanda.

  7. I think we should start with reforming the refugee convention rather than getting into a fight with France. It is no longer fit for purpose.

  8. All anyone needs to know is that whatever Reform say about immigration, it is always absolute cobblers.

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