Come pronunciare la parola “zero” nelle diverse lingue europee.

di Technical-Key-93


  1. kakao_w_proszku on

    The Slovenian word with a slightly different spelling means „nothing” in Polish lmao

    Also how do you do fellow Latin kids

  2. FroobingtonSanchez on

    The Turkish and Arabic Sifir/Sifr are very close to the Dutch word for digit: cijfer. Must be related.

  3. Zero is the Latin word for basque for “zero”. However, we also have a basque word for it, “huts”.

  4. In UK zero isn’t that common; ‘oh’, nil, nought are probably more used.

  5. pannon-pixie on

    In Hungarian, “zéró,” which obviously comes from “zero,” is also a completely valid word to express the number 0. It’s not used as often as “nulla,” but often enough that almost all native Hungarian speakers will understand it.

  6. HybridCelt on

    The Welsh/English border location is completely incorrect.

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