Situazione attuale dell’alluvione in Polonia (descrizione importante nel 1° commento)

di NRohirrim


  1. NRohirrim on

    Red – areas greatly affected – travelling until mid-October not advised (in the case of Kłodzko County – until the end of October), many detours, many roads and bridges destroyed

    Orange – areas moderately affected – travelling until the end of September not advised, some detours

    Yellow – areas lightly affected – mostly possible to travel with few exceptions made by the local authorities

    Transit through red, orange and yellow areas possible when staying on the motorways

    Dark grey – situation pending, travelling not advised until the end of September, when making transit with motorways – check beforehand if the road is passable

    Medium grey – situation pending, but most probably these areas will not become greatly affected – possible to travel with caution when closer than 1 km to the Oder river (until the end of September)

    Light grey – areas not affected whatsoever by flood, perfectly safe to travel

  2. These colours give me a feeling that Poland is invaded by Germany again.

  3. IWillDevourYourToes on

    It’s terrible what happened in Poland… Frick those friggin skibidi toilet floods 💀

    Edit: Suck mah gyatt floods ☠️😈

  4. Big_Increase3289 on

    Wow that a huge area. Let’s hope people are safe there

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