L’ente sportivo nazionale chiede al governo di introdurre agevolazioni fiscali per l’iscrizione in palestra


di Gytarius626


  1. ScarcityOk2982 on

    Gym memberships set to skyrocket if this is introduced

  2. Ok_Magazine_3383 on

    “The Federation of Irish Sport envisage that employers provide recreational/personal exercise membership on behalf of the employee to a maximum of €500 as a non-taxable benefit-in-kind.

    They have also encouraged the implementation of measures to facilitate free or reduced fees to access gym for persons with disabilities.

    In an extra propoal, they have also called on the successful bike to work scheme to extend to those who have retired so as to encourage cycling among that particular demographic.”

    Seem like reasonable proposals.

  3. badger-biscuits on

    Good, we have too many lazy fat cunts rolling around the place

  4. Unfortunately, what seems to happen when credits like this get introduced is that the market just adjusts to be more expensive.

    Case in point would be the huge increase in the cost of bikes (and especially bike accessories) in the years after the bike to work scheme was introduced, and after the limit was increased in later years.

  5. DazzlingGovernment68 on

    Wouldn’t it be easier to cut the vat on membership? (Stupid question?)

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