L’attivista di estrema destra Philip Dwyer assolto dall’accusa di violazione della pace per l’incidente all’asilo nido di Dublino


di badger-biscuits


  1. Want to go and hug the tree that made the oxegen he breathes in commiseration

  2. pixelburp on

    Spare us from the self-righteous malevolance of the “citizen journalists”, the moniker beloved of these right wing ásshats.

  3. Ok_Magazine_3383 on

    “Dismissing the charge, Judge Patricia McNamara said she found that the accused did not intend to commit a breach of the peace on the day.

    The judge said she did not believe the threshold to find him guilty of the offence had been met, and he was entitled to the benefit of the doubt.”

    If the incident as described doesn’t meet the threshold for breach of peace, there’s an issue with the law.

  4. Natural-Mess8729 on

    By the sounds of it, there may be grounds for a defamation case to follow

  5. Minions-overlord on

    Lot of projection from that lad… either way, now he’ll just get emboldened by the fact he got off scott free

  6. DatabaseCommercial92 on

    Imagine you had the time to be worried about rainbows! He must have a lot of free time on his hands. Is citizen journalist code for the dole?

  7. Wind_Yer_Neck_In on

    He’s like the exemplar of what can happen when a miserable, lonely, stupid person finds the American far right facebook and youtube cesspools. His entire vision of the world is coloured by the lies and outrageous slander that gets fed to those people (by each other) on a daily basis. He’s not a moron, it’s everyone else who’re blind! He’s not an angry twat screaming at people for no adequate reason, he’s a fighter for truth!

    Imagine being so sure of your self righteousness and moral clarity that you accuse a creche teacher of advocating child rape because there are rainbow flags in the room.

    Rainbows. the fucking things that have adorned schoolroom walls since schools were invented.

  8. TheCunningFool on

    It is unfortunate that having chimpanzee levels of intelligence isn’t a crime, because he’d be permanently locked up.

  9. MushuFromSpace on

    Horrible cunt of a man and this will only give him more fuel.

  10. TheStoicNihilist on


    I’d like to see the dog kick back.

  11. Margrave75 on

    >Far-right activist Philip Dwyer

    They meant “cITizEn jUUUUrnaLiSt” surely?

  12. Wardance2035 on

    Acquitted bit guilty of being a horrible intimidating prick

  13. Dreenar18 on

    Is that picture him or is the real man behind one of his alcohol ridden chins?

  14. Ok_Race3911 on

    Isn’t 80% of the country far right by now, it’s such as useless distinction

  15. SugarInvestigator on

    This will only encourage him to be an even bigger cunt

  16. Frosty_JackJones on

    Seen this racist tramp and his cohorts on that RTE documentary last night. Christ on a bike it was a hard watch

  17. OkHighway1024 on

    These cunts are getting away with far too much.Seems they can go around harassing people at will without any consequences.

  18. Pandora-Trigger on

    >self-styled citizen journalist

    Now there’s a job description that would go down well on LinkedIn

  19. Could you imagine being an actual journalist and thinking it was acceptable to hassle a creche worker who was walking children back to the crèche at the time? Like that would be a great moment for some ‘robust questioning’. The poor kids with her must have been terrified.

  20. Jean_Rasczak on

    Better off just ignoring this type of character, they live on attention. Once they don’t get it it shuts them up

  21. GoneRampant1 on

    Pity, I’d have loved to seen the creche creeper locked up or given any kind of punishment, but I’ll settle at least for that it can join “dog kicker” as one of the bastard’s little nicknames thanks to Paul Murphy saying it in the Dail.

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