Un uomo di Brixton picchia a morte la madre “perché canticchiava troppo forte” – è stato scagionato dall’accusa di omicidio


di Empty_Sherbet96


  1. Empty_Sherbet96 on

    >Phinn had a history of criminal damage incidents in relation to his mother, and was given a 12 month restraining order to stop him seeing her in 2021. After causing his mother’s injuries, Phinn immediately called 999 and said he had strangled her, but the operator failed to send an ambulance or alert police, with the still-conscious Christie saying she was okay.

    >After Phinn called again to ask for police, he shared concerns about breaking his mum’s neck but later told officers he had ‘blacked out’ and could not remember causing a fatal bleed to her brain. At a trial last week jurors could not be sure he had intended to kill her or cause really serious harm – the legal benchmark for murder.

    I don’t know what’s crazier – the fact the operator didn’t call police or send an ambulance, or the fact that you can apparently just ay “uhhhhh i blacked out” and have your murder charge dropped. Prosecuters hate this one trick!

  2. That poor woman. Abused for years by her own son then murdered by him. Wonder how many times she wishes she’d miscarried or aborted it. Hope he has no family or friends supporting him ever again. Loser.

  3. shock_wax on

    The charge wasn’t ’dropped’, that would suggest the prosecution did not seek a murder charge at trial – he was found not guilty of murder by a Jury – the way the article presents it, and your summary is slightly disingenuous.

    A Jury that had access to all the facts of the case concluded that he had not committed murder but found him guilty of the alternate charge of manslaughter for which he was convicted

    A tragic incident in which a woman has been killed given a rage-bait headline to generate clicks is shameful

  4. Ajax_Trees_Again on

    Hard to think this country is anything but finished.

    Why do we have such low sentences? Is it just to save money that could be going in MPs pockets?

  5. DarknessEnvelopingMe on

    The man battered his own mother to death just for annoying him?

    I honestly have no words.

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