In Lussemburgo le donne vengono effettivamente pagate più degli uomini?

di Front_Street_8181


  1. Well I think it’s worrying that we are the only country close to 0% gap.

    The difference of 0.7% must be the Colombian wives.

  2. Remember this is about the average.
    This might just be cause there are more women in teaching and teaching is well paid in Luxemburg since it is working for the state.

  3. dacca_lux on

    But is this a “real pay gap”, like women get paid less for the hour than man for the exact same work, or is it the badly calculated pay gap, that has been debunked.

    IIRC it was something like, that they just compared the yearly incomes of women and men, assuming they would all work full time and just calculated an average hourly income from that.
    But, if they actually calculated with the real work hours, it would show that there is barely any difference.

    Not negating that there isn’t any discrimation in certain companies, but it isn’t something that’s widely spread

  4. BathInteresting5045 on

    Funny I come from a third world country and in my country both genders earn equally…only it changes per position not gender…are we actually more advanced?XD

  5. ThatOneAccount3 on

    These are all the salaries combines. On average women earn more and work less hours. Hmm…

  6. LaneCraddock on

    This will end when all the climatised jobs (service industry) start to leave the country because of unproductivity. Then lets see if they also add a women quote in the real labour market. 🤣

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