Copernicus stima che gli incendi boschivi in ​​Portogallo abbiano già rilasciato il livello più alto di emissioni di carbonio per settembre nei 22 anni del set di dati con un ampio margine e si prevede che raggiungeranno Spagna e Francia nel fine settimana

di giuliomagnifico


  1. giuliomagnifico on

    >The estimated total carbon emissions, used as an indicator for the strength of the fires, are 1.9 megatonnes of carbon up to 18 September, compared to the previous highest September total for Portugal of approximately 1 megatonne of carbon in 2003. CAMS global and European regional air quality forecasts show that the smoke plumes originating from these wildfires have been moving out towards the Atlantic but are predicted to recirculate across the northern Iberian Peninsula, through the Bay of Biscay towards western France in the coming days. It is important to note that rain forecast for the end of the week may help to extinguish or reduce the number of fires.


  2. Yes…all these massive eucalyptus plantations really pay off….. /s.

    And now we’re going to listen in the next weeks, “specialists” giving their opinion on primetime TV on why Eucalyptus are fine and great for the economy. Apparently every other country in europe is stupid by not plant those damned trees everywhere.

  3. Debesuotas on

    So apparently fires are releasing a considerably more CO2 than any of he EU countries in this graph?

  4. ZalmoxisRemembers on

    Wrong again, Copernicus. Spain and France will be reaching the carbon emissions over the weekend, not the other way around.

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