L’attacco dell’Ucraina al deposito di armi russo ha distrutto munizioni per un periodo di tre mesi, afferma il capo dell’intelligence militare estone


di NeonBumble


  1. WotTheFook on

    So, take out the other 12 sites and 3 years’ worth would be gone. Sounds tempting.

  2. skipnw69 on

    Hopefully Ukraine can take out more. Russia won’t stop until they physically can’t continue.

  3. Looks like Putin might need to pay another visit to his sugar daddy in North Korea.

  4. TurkishLanding on

    The free world should be doing everything possible to stop Russia from attacking other nations. Ukraine needs far more support and encouragement to eliminate Russia’s war machine that enables Putin’s criminal greed. Stop Putin, now, by force. 

    While our pathetic governments dither and delay, you and I can help Ukraine’s defense by donating at https://u24.gov.ua/

  5. saciopalo on

    I would imagine a big part of Russian army to be interested in this happening, so there might be some words out on where these stock piles are. Even Iran and NK gain from the destruction of these sites. Too many people interested for this not to happen more!

  6. No-Attitude-6049 on

    The explosion registered on seismometers… big badda boom!

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