750g – €5 550g – €6


di jeepers101


  1. VonBombadier on

    Stop buying them. Only way to get it to stop.

    Plus it’s september what are you doing?

  2. Practical_Trash_6478 on

    Ah fuck it, you won’t be able to put the sewing kit in it soon

  3. Silantro-89 on

    They can’t have shrunk them even further. At this stage, they’ll be a tray instead of a tub next year

  4. TheDirtyBollox on

    Heroes are fine, unless that’s last year’s stock.

  5. High_Flyer87 on

    All the small pleasures of life are gradually being chipped away at.

  6. Nickthegreek28 on

    People do this every year but when we had the larger ones we were paying nearly a tenner, a tin of roses was €15 youd bring it as a gift to house. They’ll be three for a tenner in December

  7. PapaSmurif on

    Unhelpful glass half full perspective, the less sugar the better.

    Glass half empty perspective: they’re all starting to pull this s**t. The big yoghurts were 500g all along, then went to 470 and then 440 and now down to 400 but the same price as what a 500g used to be. Sneaky h**rs.

  8. WellWellWell2021 on

    They have already got rid of all the nice sweets from them anyway. Roses used to be amazing…nothing but the shit sweets left in them nowadays.

  9. 40degreescelsius on

    100g less chocolate, it’s not on. Doesn’t look as good for gifting purposes. More like a selection for a movie night or the toy show with the kids. I also propose that there should be more malteser sweets and less bounty ones.

  10. fontyblak on

    Fuck these companies, it’s not just celebrations… it’s all chocolate, the share bags have been getting smaller year on year while the price is the same or has gone up…. I wouldn’t even call a share bag a share bag anymore it’s that small..

    I have cut way down on the buying of confectionery, has anyone else also cut down or are you all buying the same amounts as before?

    Would be interesting to know other people’s opinions on this!

  11. SignalEven1537 on

    As a result of the checked capitalism; never ending corporate growth for shareholder dividends. Profits have to be made somewhere.

  12. Outkast_IRE on

    Isn’t Carrefour in france (Big supetmarket chain) putting big labels on the shelf on any product where they are carrying out shrinkflation , they recently got into a spat with with PepsiCo cause whom wanted to up their prices and Carrefour called them out on it basically saying energy and ingredient prices went down and said we won’t agree to the new prices and didn’t stock their products for a bit.
    I would gladly support large retailers implementing some of these tactics to shame these giant companies.

  13. Nobody buy them this year. Hopefully, they get the message and sort it out for next year.

  14. Wack_photgraphy on

    I can’t believe it……
    Tesco branded ketchup….

  15. If those prices are right, why would anyone buy the 550g tub?

  16. FakerHarps on

    Looking at the best before dates the bigger tub is a decade old, so it’s not a shrinkage from last year’s offerings

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