I dont even know but I have seen these (or one) at my city in Kokkola. They drive on the public road, day or night and cause so many close calls! Once one truck almost crashed to a incoming car because he had to dodge this vehicle behind corner. And when they drive in the dark, they only have one small red tail light, I was bearly able to see it in the dark. These are so dangerous
Wooden-Combination53 on
Recumbent bicycle with fairings. Maybe electrically assisted
ThatTeapot on
At first I thought it looks like the next evolutional step from the legendary kurkkumopo. Then I realised there is no evolutinary pressure on the kurkkkumopedi, it is perfection.
Big-Rooster9624 on
I think it’s velomobile.
JuicyAnalAbscess on
Damn, that’s a pretty nice picture actually. The lighting and contrast.. Beautiful.
I dont even know but I have seen these (or one) at my city in Kokkola. They drive on the public road, day or night and cause so many close calls! Once one truck almost crashed to a incoming car because he had to dodge this vehicle behind corner. And when they drive in the dark, they only have one small red tail light, I was bearly able to see it in the dark. These are so dangerous
Recumbent bicycle with fairings. Maybe electrically assisted
At first I thought it looks like the next evolutional step from the legendary kurkkumopo. Then I realised there is no evolutinary pressure on the kurkkkumopedi, it is perfection.
I think it’s velomobile.
Damn, that’s a pretty nice picture actually. The lighting and contrast.. Beautiful.
Kurkkumopos’ big brother?
>paprikamopo 😀