Un altro ritardo per il nuovo ospedale pediatrico nazionale è stato rivelato, con la data di apertura ora spostata al 2026


di Im_really_Irish


  1. Holiday_Toe5779 on

    Why would a rubber-stamped cash cow with no accountability ever be completed on time or on budget?

    Rather than a source of national pride the NCH has become a symbol for Irish ineptitude and corruption. That this is announced the same week as the children’s scoliosis scandal came to national attention again should result in some heads on pikes but of course it won’t because ‘Ireland’. 

  2. badger-biscuits on

    We’re not there yet, but we’re getting there – BAM

  3. howsitgoingboy on

    What a fucking terrible site for that building, slapping it in a field in Tallaght would allow them to inevitably expand when the time comes.

    FFG really fucked this one.

  4. Ok-Package9273 on

    Are BAM going to declare bankruptcy after they’ve drained this well dry since no one will ever want to give them a contract again?

  5. Storyboys on

    Lol breaking this news at a quarter past 10 of a Friday night.

    Talk about tying to bury bad news.

  6. cambria334 on

    Taking bets on when this thing will be actually built so I hear 2027.. I hear 2030.. 2030.. going once 2034 going twice…

  7. Bill_Badbody on

    >Around €600m in claims from BAM, the construction company, have yet to be assessed and resolved. The board is contesting the claims but it runs the risk of the Government having to step in with a further bailout.

    >The Government has given the go-ahead this year to another €500m to fund the hospital.

    I have a feeling the department know that the 600m in claims is going to be successful.

    For example, the Irish water capital budget for next year has been slashed. With contractors being informed over the last few weeks, that contracts expected to start next year won’t be happening.

    Same thing happened in 2019 when the hospital needed more money.

    Whoever in the hse sent out the tender before they had a complete design, should really be the demoted back down to clerical officer.

  8. Redtit14 on

    Can’t wait for all the dodgy contracts to come out. 200k for a urinal, but ‘lessons will be learned’ though.

  9. Due-Communication724 on

    On the positive side this will go down worldwide in text books and be used as use cases on how to not tender a project or manage it. What a disaster of a project.

  10. bd027763 on

    with all the money from Apple, still this government has the courage to delay stuff like this…

  11. WickerMan111 on

    In fairness, massive projects like this can’t be built overnight.

  12. whooo_me on

    I genuinely don’t know how you can fuck up a hospital project so badly.

    A tunnel, or a huge metro project, or a long suspension bridge, sure. They have massive unknowns which make it difficult to assess in advance. But a hospital? You should have a good idea how much a room or operating theatre would cost, multiply it by the number of required rooms and boom.

    Find it hard to believe there could be any major engineering challenges in there – so what causes could there be for the massive delays and cost overruns other than world-class mismanagement?

  13. IntentionFalse8822 on

    Government get 13bn extra to spend.

    A week later BAM suddenly discover a costly delay to their multi billion Dublin Children’s hospital.

    The cost for that place will top 4bn before it fully opens.

  14. SirMike_MT on

    Yet no investigation will be done or anyone held accountable on the constant delays & spiralling costs, great country to do business in…

  15. justbecauseyoumademe on

    Already the most expensive hospital on the planet (not even done yet.)

    Heading to be the most expensive building on the planet before 2028.. mark my word

  16. High_Flyer87 on

    I get the feeling this will never open. The problems seem widespread.

    10pm on a Friday night this story is released. What a shower of grade A wankers.

    The board would want to be hauled before a tribunal over the incompetence of delivering this critical infrastructure.

  17. CumBlastedYourMom on

    FFG buddies cracking open the Champers, YAY! All our kids get to go to private school! SKI TRIPS FOR THE CHILDREN OF THE ENTITLED!

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