1. ClassicFlavour on

    Small towns, I get. Easy choice. Not been or heard of Hatfield before so maybe it checks out.

    But Birmingham 7th?

    There’s no way a city that treated us with this [epic work of art](https://youtu.be/QsI6R6nHbnI?t=34) could ever be considered boring.

  2. 1MrNobody1 on

    Pretty arbitrary list lol.

    I lived in Hatfield for 7 years, it has some ok bits and some grotty bits, the town centre was very run down. But it also has a big cinema, shopping centre, sports facilities, a University, Hatfield House (a Jacobean manor estate open to the public), a couple of posher bits and a decent trainline to go elsewhere.

    While I wouldn’t particularly recommend the place, I can definitely think of worse places to be without even going very far (Stevenage is just up the road and is very similar, but more industrial estates).

    Looking through the article ‘Tourist attractions’ seems to be their criteria, Hatfield has at least one, while there are hundreds of villages and towns with none. I know it’s a bit of fun, but if you’re going to put the effort into such a list it might be worth putting in enough effort for it to be even vaguely accurate 🙂

  3. jimmyrayreid on

    That’s the stupidest list I think I’ve ever seen. The idea that a city can be boring is in itself ridiculous, but none of those cities are dull. Two of them are capital cities – one of them has a world famous landmark.

    If you can’t find stuff to do in a city of a million people, that’s on you

  4. FredH3663 on

    Nice – ‘Hatfield caters more to residents seeking a quiet life than to tourists in search of exciting experiences.’

  5. queen-bathsheba on

    Lots to do and seeing Brum, I don’t find it boring at all, I feel people don’t look at what it has to offer.

  6. Professional_Elk_489 on

    I’ve been saying this for years that Hatfield is the most boring shithole in UK

    Finally, validation

  7. Memes_Haram on

    Even Mark Twain said that St Petersburg Florida was boring lol

  8. bakewelltart20 on

    Birmingham is on the boring list, but nowhere in Wales!?

  9. Ollymid2 on

    Hertfordshire dweller here, Hatfield is known locally as Shatfield for a reason, glad to see it finally getting some recognition

  10. XenorVernix on

    This article is nonsense. It’s just sponsored content to bring traffic to someone’s blog. Common SEO technique.

  11. chocobowler on

    I live 10 mins from Hatfield – we only go there for the Odeon and only after 6pm because parking is free 💵

    I do enjoy driving through the tunnel though

  12. GreenCache on

    My mum’s best friend used to live in Hatfield, it’s definitely a boring town but there are worse places.

  13. One_Reality_5600 on

    Should come to farnborough in Hampshire it’s fucking desolate. Depressing and full of nearly dead people. Fuck all for the youth to do and the pubs are shite.

  14. Its_Dakier on

    The people who make these lists are always complete morons.

    I can do more in Birmingham than in any other city, barring London. Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and Sheffield are small by comparison.

  15. Dry_Cartographer430 on

    Agree with Pisa, apart from the leaning tower it’s not really got a lot going on but some of those selections are ridiculous. Ottawa and Bratislava are both great cities.

  16. Diesel238204 on

    Hatfield has Slam Dunk fest every year so it’s alright with me

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