Sir Keir Starmer accetta biglietti omaggio dell’Arsenal “non è importante”, afferma Jess Phillips

di The-Peel


  1. Perudur1984 on

    But it would’ve been very important if members of the government were accepting hospitality and Labour were still in opposition…..

    Any public sector worker found taking bribes like this is likely to be sacked.

  2. broonmeister75 on

    Yup we are all fucked,
    May we all grieve the lower and working classes

  3. Martinonfire on

    What’s the difference between gifts, freebies and bribes?

  4. I’m really not sure what the big deal is. Where’s the conflict of interest? Where’s the waste of taxpayer money in this story? I sometimes get a free upgrade on train journeys, do I now get a paragraph in the Daily Mail because I got some freebies from LNER?

    Sunak spent millions in taxpayer money on private helicopters and there was barely a peep from the press. Starmer gets free football tickets at no cost to the taxpayer and it’s suddenly the most important thing happening in Britain.

    There are far more noteworthy issues with Labour’s finances; the donations they have taken from gambling and vaping/smoking companies for example that likely mean there will be no meaningful reforms to regulate these malicious industries. But nobody gives a shit about that thing that actually matters, they’re all focussed on where Starmer sits at a home game. No wonder we’re a country in decline.

  5. Mitchverr on

    Didnt they all, imo, rightly, get upset about wallpaper “donations” for Bojo the clown when he moved in?

    I was expecting better from labour, genuinely shameful.

  6. Equivalent_World_913 on

    Meh, what’s important or not is not for you to decide. You are an elected representative. 

  7. ImNotSuperMan1996 on

    I wonder if Nigel farage or Rishi sunak was to accept something like that whether or not Jess would feel the same 🤔

  8. TheDawiWhisperer on

    Get fucked, if you want to present yourselves as being morally above the Tories this isn’t how you do it

  9. LobsterMountain4036 on

    It’s quite something to accuse your political opponents of graft, to then be no different yourself.

  10. Ok-Fox1262 on

    MPs, like royalty have their person and their position.

    If I were an MP and got offered something like that I would accept on behalf of my constituency. Yes I would take a bit of advantage from it. But I would think it was a really good bit of luck to support my constituency by offering the use to disadvantaged members of said constituency to consolidate their trust in me.

    Clearly I’m not selfish enough to stand in politics. That’s the fundamental problem.

  11. southwest_barfight on

    It literally isn’t, if you want to criticise there are plenty of areas to do so in that actually matter

  12. Shazalamadingdong on

    I am expecting this steady trickle of Labour MPs to come out in support of their leader.

    What IS telling for me is that the majority of the party hasn’t come out immediately, hoisted him on some kind of pedestal and denounced anyone criticising him as anti-Labour, anti-working class, anti-British or something else.

    One thing I am finding quite incredulous is how many people are posting things like “Sunak spaffed xxxx on choppers” and “Boris had all these donations” along with “and there was no uproar” or words to that effect. I was reading a left-leaning paper and general news on MSN (hardly left leaning if you read their selections) and these things were popping up quite a lot.

  13. AngryPowerWank on

    Listening to Tories clutching pearls after shrugging off Mone’s £200,000,000 shoddy PPE contracts and Little Lord Moggs’ £7,000,000 post Brexit windfall betting against British business is fucking glorious.

  14. Additional_Net_9202 on

    I remember when the Tories used to tell me that the thing I was annoyed about wasnt important and how I wasn’t actually annoyed about it.

  15. CluckingBellend on

    It doesn’t matter: they all do it. Always have. He’s the PM. He gets invited to things for a reason. It helps promote British football clubs, for example. This is normal stuff in a democratic, capitalist country.

  16. WoofMafia on

    Nowhere near the level of corruption of the tories, but I still find myself a little disappointed. I don’t think anyone in power should be legally able to accept “gifts”.

  17. Magurndy on

    Tbh I don’t care unless it really is for bribery or it’s government ministers breaking competition rules and giving friends and family priorities to big government contracts such as the PPE scandal. This is just perks of the job bullshit that I think is a bit unimportant in my view. Yes I’m aware of some double standards such as the wallpaper fiasco but the flat is a perk and redecoration is a perk, if it’s fucking gold plated wallpaper then yeah I’d be a bit pissed as it’s unnecessary

  18. Melodic-Display-6311 on

    I don’t want to hear Labour moan about Tory scandals ever again, why is it not important Jess Phillips? Because Labour corruption is fine is it? Just done be a member of the Tory party

  19. 0zymandias_1312 on

    it’s important when these tory bastards are implementing austerity 2.0 cos “there’s no money”

    can’t wait to see the back of them already

  20. It’s mad – decades of Tory cronyism stealing hundreds of millions from this country, and barely a whisper from the media.

    Now that it’s a labour government even minor things are getting scrutinised. The free press at work /s

  21. Tony2Nuts on

    Remember not long back when that street cleaner couldn’t accept a holiday from the community? One rule for us and one for them! They shouldn’t be allowed to accept anything

  22. Much_Leader3369 on

    A fuss would be made of the Tories doing the same, why is this ok Jess?

  23. Useful_Resolution888 on

    He’s already got a season ticket that he pays for, right? I’m no fan of Starmer but I really don’t see the scandal here. Why’s it being posted again and again? Just looks like they offered him a box for security reasons and he declared it as he should have done.

    Unless I’m missing something.

  24. BCircle907 on

    I’m a spurs fan, and have everything about arsenal. Never miss a chance to bash them for being the crooks they are.

    But, I gen I’ll admit this is absolutely nothing. He’s a ST holder that can’t sit in his seat. It makes sense to have a private area to watch.

  25. Reasoned_Watercress on

    How important is it really? He already had an arsenal season ticket and can’t go in the stand as PM.

    Where I live the football fans are all uneducated violent yobs, so I do get a bit suspicious of a barrister partaking, but is putting him in the box really a big deal?

  26. manofkent79 on

    ‘It’s not important if my team do it but believe it’s evil when anyone else does it’ says jess Phillips

  27. robdistorted on

    As a person who is registered with a significant visual impairment I am awarded about £50 towards the cost of my glasses that I need in order to be able to see what very little I can, my last pair cost over £150 due to being a stronger lens and get the right frames to fit this lens without it being too thick at the sides. My mother is in the same boat, although her last pair of glasses cost her over £500 so as you can guess the fifty pounds voucher doesn’t go very far.

    Meanwhile ol’ Kier over here with his fortune and greater position in life is being ‘donated’ glasses.

    I think government officials should only be allowed to receive the same amount of value from donations that they are willing as a government to give to the most vulnerable in our society.

    There is something very wrong when the rich are handed things they don’t need(due to being in a position to get it themselves) while those more vulnerable and so much closer to poverty are given so little. (funnily enough, it’s the rich who make those decisions)

  28. LondonDude123 on

    Right, I do not care about the Arsenal Tickets. In fact, his explanation makes complete sense.

    BUT, Starmer and his party absolutely went in on the Tories for accepting all sorts. They then completely marketed themselves in the election as “We are not the Tories”. And yet, we’re finding out that Starmer *himself* is accepting freebies, AND his party is covering for him over it.

    The football tickets, Starmer shouldve gone “Yeah im trading in my regular ticket for a box that im paying for”. Done, easy win. The WIFES CLOTHES is absolutely pathetic, and David Lammy has ruined any chance of that being lived down with his interview. But its all moot: You nailed the Tories for accepting free shit, and youve been accepting free shit.

    Its exactly what a lot of people saw coming: The establishment gonna establish. Tories in Red.

  29. narayan77 on

    Just watched the film Subservience. I am convinced Starmer is a robot. Accepting freebies he Learnt from watching Boris Johnson,  except he has taken it to a bew level. Let’s see how the Starmer robot will evolve. 

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