Oltre 2.000 posti di lavoro tagliati a causa del fallimento del costruttore di prigioni del Regno Unito ISG


di 457655676


  1. lookatmeman on

    I expect taxpayers will feel the brunt of this as we will with the water companies.

  2. NinjaFruitLoop on

    This is a small company, many more in the UK offer this service.

  3. I think the more worrying thing is that this case was reported because of the size of the company. I heard quite a few stories over the year about small / medium size construction companies going bust / doing massive layoffs. It seems it got especially bad this autumn. I think we are going to hear more stories like this in near future.

  4. KeyLog256 on

    Are we/have we been building many prisons? I thought that was the problem?

    I thought most prisons were so old and falling to bits I’m surprised there was even a company with 2000 employees dedicated to building them.

    What exactly were they doing? Genuine question, I’m not being flippant.

  5. MrPloppyHead on

    This is what happens when, essentially you are just borrowing money to keep going. It’s also been a really hard time for business in general in the uk. We had brexit, covid, brexit again (when it came into force), Russian invasion Ukraine, liz truss all with the back drop of incompetent governance.

  6. chronicnerv on

    Unemployed skilled labourers all over the nation and a shortage of homes. We have a national home building labour force ready that would serve us better than the current monopoly.

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