Luna di miele finita: Keir Starmer ora è meno popolare di Rishi Sunak

di JayR_97


  1. denyer-no1-fan on

    This is entering very dangerous territory. Even though the next election is 5 years away and they do have a stonking majority, one thing that will really damage them is if they are seen as identical to the Tories. Once that image sets in, they will no longer be just carrying their own baggage, they will also carry Tories’ baggage, as unjustified as it may seem. Actions that are technically innocent, like accepting box tickets, can very easily be painted as Tory-level sleaziness because of this “Labour have changed themselves into the Conservatives” perception. If Starmer is smart he’d start pressuring Reeves to loosen her fiscal rules and start investing in our public services. At least this way he can differentiate himself from the Tories.

  2. External-Praline-451 on

    It would be hilarious if Keir said he learnt the error of his ways and introduced a bill banning all gifts for all MPs. Then, see who would support it.

  3. Turns out those people who don’t vote because there’s nothing to vote for are right 😂

  4. High-Tom-Titty on

    I just wish he’d just give a straight, concise answer to any question, I don’t care if I don’t like it. As an experiment I’d love someone to ask him what he had for breakfast, the answer would be more than the average 3 words.

  5. redelectro7 on

    This is what happens when you vote for someone because “the other choice was worse”.

    Starmer was less objectionable but he’s still not a good choice, but now he has a huge majority to weild for 4/5 years whether or not people think he’s doing shady stuff.

  6. greylord123 on

    Ive noticed that the media scrutiny so far is more intense than the Tories

    The PPE scandal, Sunak’s wifes investments and her no-dom status. Much more serious levels of corruption and they were barely a footnote in the media. The only people really paying attention are people who follow that stuff.

    Arsenal give Starmer a private box and it’s all over the national media.

    Similarly all the cuts the Tories have been making for the past 14 years and nobody bats an eyelid. Labour introduce means testing to a benefit that anyone regardless of wealth status can claim and the headlines are “Starmer is cutting off your Nan’s heating and laughing while she freezes to death”

    I’m not saying that I think this government is perfect (far from it) but it just seems like the media is targeting more than previous governments.

  7. CoastinAlong on

    Compared to the cronyism of the Tories, this is nothing. It’s ridiculous how quick the media is to rip into Labour for every little thing whilst granting the Tories all the leeway and benefit of the doubt in the world.

  8. FelisCantabrigiensis on

    It’s amazing how much damage someone can do with a bunch of well placed stories about some football tickets, eh?

  9. Werallgonnaburn on

    Even though Starmer has a long way to go to be as bad as Johnson, Sunak, or Truss, so many own goals from Labour is a shocking start. Too many schoolboy errors and they are making it far too easy for the Daily Hate, Telegraph, Express, and Murdoch press.

  10. If Labour creates a disaster the size of Brexit, mismanages an emergency response the scale of covid19, funnels billions into their cronies’ companies (PPE anyone?!), destroys a national institution such as the NHS in 13 years, insults every single person in the UK who obeyed the rules by having parties during covid19 lockdowns, and takes millions from a racist part donor.

    If the above happens then I will reconsider giving them my vote. Until then I will back Labour.

  11. LargeSteve69 on

    Personally I don’t care about the football ticket stuff. All I care about is making this country a better place to live, even if it means years of hardship to reach that point. Crack on

  12. RedofPaw on

    I mean… yeah. People wanted to give the government a kicking, so they did. The tories got thrown out of government harder than at any time in their recent history.

    Labour have no inherited the mess. Congratulations. You get to be the punching bag.

    Then again, it’s not like they’ve made it easy on themselves. The “everything is worse than you could possibly imagine and is definitely going to get worse” is a… tactic. Maybe not one you can run with in the long term.

    The recent gifts and donations stuff is hitting because while we expect the tories to grift and take what they can get we’d hoped Starmer might be the boring professional, not worried about getting his, just focusing on getting the job done. But he’s getting clothes, hospitality and all kinds of stuff and the response immediately was “Well, yeah, of course I am. I need to look nice and of course I’m gonna take my free football box tickets. I love the footy.”

    It’s all ‘legal’, and of course, it’s not like Boris wasn’t spaffing it up the wall (literally in the case of wallpaper) every chance he got. Richi got away with whatever because he’s fucking loaded and we know a few free suits or tickets will mean fuck all to him.

    But for better or worse we kinda assume Starmer is above it. It’s his image he’s cultivated. It’s his bed. He better learn to get comfortable in it.

  13. yourlocallidl on

    We’ve had 5 tory PMs in less than 10 years, they’ve bled this country dry and have been involved in so much shady shit, so far Kier has received a few gifts and favouritism from his favourite football club, and some info about salaries got leaked and the media are basically hanging him for it, absolute over exaggeration.

  14. Cyrillite on

    The country voted for change. It voted, in different ways, for “anything other than the Conservatives.” Labour profited with an enormous Parliamentary majority on the back of a rather piss poor vote share.

    The country desperately needs a unified, ambitious vision for the future. It needs radical steps in the direction of that vision. It needs some ballsy leadership and a culture distinctly different from the last 14 years.

    If Labour continue down the fumbling, mumbling, austerity-lite path with little in the way of the moral high ground, then it won’t be Labour the country gives up on but the system itself. If people begin to feel like nobody from the major parties is fit to rule then I’m worried about where we go from here and I’m deeply concerned that we will spend far too long in this stagnating position while we work that out.

  15. Pay_Your_Torpedo_Tax on

    It’s amazing how blindingly obvious the press is biased against Labour. £20 million to the Tories from a racist who called for a black female MP to be shot and said that she makes him want to hate all black women? Tumbleweed. Never mind the corruption and cronyism of 14 years off Tories. Why? Because Arsenal is giving the PM an upgrade for security concerns after he’s paid for a season ticket with his own money!? And checks notes… got some fancy clothes. And suddenly a media with the scent of blood is relentlessly pushing a nothing burger down our throats. Farage, on open radio. Blatantly lied about why he isn’t holding surgeries in Clacton and only 1 journalist has had the balls to bring it up.The double standards are there for all to see and yet Keir is accused of 2 tier standards? I’m not even a Labour or Keir fan.

  16. Man, you guys are easy marks for BASIC political attacks. I was always wondering how you got decades of absolutely abysmal conservative politicians….I see that a big part of it is the media dictating the conversation. And the media doesn’t like the center left or change. Enjoy believing in exaggerated bulshit for the next half decade. Jesus Christ this is the bottom.

  17. Substantial-Lawyer91 on

    Anyone who is upset about these donations is both obtuse beyond belief and exceptionally naive. This is just how politics works in *every* country and this stuff about box tickets and clothing donations are truly small fry non-entities.

    The fact that many are falling for this line of attack truly shows the sheer stupidity of the majority of our population. Little England seemingly in terminal decline with no end in sight.

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