Il Crown Prosecution Service ammette di non aver perseguito due volte Mohamed al Fayed per le accuse di abusi sessuali

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  1. maaBeans on

    Rich and influential people being held to a different standard than everyone else?   

    I am shocked.    

    No victims, you don’t matter. Don’t you know know who he is?!?

  2. BobMonkhaus on

    Wonder how many people are waiting till Philip Green dies?

  3. Captain-Griffen on

    Doesn’t sound like they did.

    > While the CPS did review both files, the spokesperson said: “To bring a prosecution the CPS must be confident there is a realistic prospect of conviction – in each instance, our prosecutors looked carefully at the evidence and concluded this wasn’t the case.”

    Absence of evidence isn’t a CPS failure. Sadly, such cases are very hard to prove.

  4. ApplicationCreepy987 on

    Fail implies a genuine mistake. That’s not the case here

  5. jeffereeee on

    Crown prosecution service acknowledges it twice failed to prosecute a man due to being rich.

  6. EllyFge83 on

    Odd that- I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact he was extremely weathly and no doubt donated to the various political parties

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