Il capo del sindacato Unite Sharon Graham intensifica la richiesta a Starmer di annullare il taglio delle indennità per il carburante invernale | Notizie politiche

di OldGuto


  1. hobbityone on

    I really don’t get the outcry for around this decision. Surely benefits like this should be means tested.

  2. If trade unions want to be taken seriously they should stop acting like student union presidents and focus on delivering for members.

    The British economy is in a very difficult place. Industry is facing massive challenges. There are deep, structural problems with our economy that after fourteen years of a Conservative Government, an interventionist, forward thinking Labour Government could make a massive difference on.

    Literally all she does by wasting even a second talking about anything other than the interests of her members is justify to those with power why no-one in their right mind bothers to listen to unions.

  3. TheJollyBrit on

    I thought trade unions were meant to represent working people? The above inflation increases to pensions which are locked in more than cover this. I just don’t understand why they’re picking this fight. If there’s no f***ing money for kids to have a free school meal, then there shouldn’t be money to further subsidise old people.

  4. Big_Situation4680 on

    A fucking joke. The unions get rightfully decent pay rises, and now start saying where the money should come from. Who the fuck do these people think they are??

  5. hoorahforsnakes on

    The obsession with bending over backward to please the oldest in the country who contribute fuck all any more while at the same time taking every opportunity to shit all over the younger generations is the root cause of so many of our problems

  6. CorruptedFlame on

    And she’ll be happy to accept lower wages for her members in exchange, surely? 

  7. LobsterMountain4036 on

    The unions would quadruple the welfare budget at a minimum if they could, they may make a fair point but a stopped clock and all that.

  8. Fairwolf on

    The WFA cut should absolutely remain, there is absolutely no reason to be giving rich pensioners extra money. However, they should really look at -how- they’re determining who does and doesn’t get the WFA as there are clearly some in need who are slipping between the cracks.

  9. No they are already getting more than last year and electric/heating cheaper this year.

  10. TheObrien on

    I personally think this is Sharon Graham pushing Starmer, she’s politically aligned closer to Corbyn/Momentum roots and has no desire to see him succeed.

    That’s why we’ve see a steady string of left wing MPs criticising recently too … shame on them really

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