Oltre 700 migranti attraversano la Manica in uno dei conteggi giornalieri più alti di quest’anno


di Aggressive_Plates


  1. lowweighthighreps on

    They’re never going to do anything about this are they?

    For whatever reasons, which we all argue over; but we can agree this won’t ever change.

    We should enjoy the country while it lasts.

  2. honkballs on

    We essentially have an open border policy now for anyone in the world that wants to come and get free accommodation and healthcare (among other benefits) for the rest of their lives if they can get here and utter the magic words of “I can’t go back home as my life is in danger” (don’t worry about having to learn it in English, can be in whatever language you want it to be, we will pay for a translator).

    The whole Asylum system is broken and not fit for purpose, any sane government would have actually done something years ago, it blows my mind this isn’t fixed as a priority.

  3. denyer-no1-fan on

    A terrifying stats in the piece is how the number of migrants per boat is going up year after year. Apparently what’s happening is that since European police are cracking down on the supply chains of boats, the types of boats and their density are getting more and more dangerous. It is a big part of why there are more news of migrants dying in the Channel recently.

  4. BookmarksBrother on

    [Cost of furnishing asylum seeker flats too ‘sensitive’ to be released, says watchdog](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/09/06/sensitive-costs-furnishing-asylum-seeker-flats-watchdog/)

    [British asylum housing tycoon breaks into Sunday Times rich list](https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/may/17/british-asylum-housing-tycoon-breaks-into-sunday-times-rich-list)

    The right is told its the ECHR that prevents them from fixing it.
    The left is told to stop being racists and to open their hearts.

    In other words- “Look the other way while we drain the state coffers, peasant”

  5. MousseCareless3199 on

    700 more people that will need to be housed and taken care of by the state, yay.

  6. originolo on

    Remember, if you disagree or say anything against this Comrade Starmer thinks you’re a racist nazi and you’re against the values of the United Kingdom and therefore an enemy of the state.

  7. cozyHousecatWasTaken on

    We had a ‘catch & return’ agreement with France but Brexit got rid of that, nobody will talk about that though.

  8. DontTellHimPike1234 on

    But I thought Labour were going to stop the boats on day 1? /s

  9. Mysterious-Slice-591 on

    Man, I’m finally going to have quit this site. It’s always someone trying to push something.

     Either political, or ads trying to sell me something. Everyone has an agenda. 

    None of it is good for me. 

    Im tired Think I’ll just check out

  10. MeanCustardCreme on

    Thank God they made it. Yes, it’s a lot of people, but remember: that’s 700 new doctors, nurses, and other NHS workers to support society. We need these people because of our declining birth rate otherwise Britain will simply fade out of existence. As you will see, there are barely any women. That’s because men are the single most persecuted demographic in other countries and we need to save them. I’m just thankful that they didn’t decide to stay in any of the other countries on their way to the UK. They’re much safer here rather than France and Germany which are third world countries by comparison.

  11. Melodic-Display-6311 on

    No one really should be surprised at this point if Reform does well in the coming years

    And before anyone comes at me saying “people are dumb for voting reform” you’re more dumb by expecting anything to change by voting for the same two teams who refuse to do anything about immigration.

  12. matthewonthego on

    No visa,
    No documents,
    No language,
    No checks,
    Free accommodation,
    Free food,
    Free healthcare,
    Free money,

    No brainier to me! Welcome to the UK!
    Call your mates back home that you reached fine, so they can join here as well.

  13. Our infrastructure can’t handle this.

    – NHS is clogged up.
    – Prisons are full.
    – Education system is crumbling.
    – Housing unavailable.
    – Social care system crippled.
    – Public transport maxed out.
    – Homelessness on the up.

    Yet the country has allowed nearly an extra 25,000 economically inactive people this year alone.

    Are those 25,000 to blame for our countries problems? Not in the slightest.

    But their arrival, along with the 100,000s in recent years, is having a significant impact on both the countries ability to fix our own problems, as well as the morale of the hardworking law-abiding public majority who are struggling.

  14. TopDeadSenter on

    Future Starmer voters, no wonder he wants, sorry NEEDS them

  15. ThinkOfTheFood on

    I see that the whole “smashing the gangs” thing is working out then.

  16. caspian_sycamore on

    Do we build more than 700 social housing, daily, just to accommodate boat migrants?

    Because this is how it works…

  17. North-Village3968 on

    Don’t any of you dare speak down on the 700 aspiring doctors coming off the boats into the country every day. You’ll be arrested and sent to prison for racism

  18. shoxicwaste on

    I’m having so much difficulty getting my Spanish wife over to live and work with me in the UK, our visa got rejected again. British citizen too, seems impossible.

  19. Barney_Calhoun_Beer on

    We could literally say that we’d shoot any boat coming from now on and this problem will solved instantly. (This would literally be the policy of any arab country or any country from which these people are coming from). But unfortunately our unlimited delusional generosity will be the end of the west. Read the Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray.

  20. This is unsustainable!!!
    Who are those benefiting from this?
    Find then and this would be over.

  21. Osgood_Schlatter on

    I’d rather a centrist government significantly restrict this form of migration than voters feeling they have to elect a far-right one to do it.

  22. Opening-Cress5028 on

    If I come there and ask for asylum, in English, based on the fact that it’s inhumane to expect me to live in the same country as Harry Markle, will it be granted?

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