Angela Rayner promette una legge di punta per i lavoratori il mese prossimo, mentre promette che “le cose possono migliorare”

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  1. denyer-no1-fan on

    >And we will bring in basic rights from day one on the job.

    That’s not true. Firms are still allowed to have a probation period of up to 6 months where they can fire someone for literally any reason bar discrimination. Unless that right is granted on day one, she shouldn’t be calling them “day-one rights”

  2. Geord1evillan on

    Yeah… but the issue is, until Labour get around to dealing with the media in this country, it doesn’t matter what they do, or don’t do.

    Really needs to he their only priority right now, because otherwise they’re hamstrung by easoly manipulated idiots, and we’re all fucked.

  3. FatFarter69 on

    Things can get better, but the thing is, they can also get worse. Or even stay the same.

    Scorching hot political analysis right here.

  4. I’ll wait and see what they push through as legislation. But I wouldn’t be surprised if enough corporate fat-cats whinge at them and they water down the bill substantially.

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