1. Tall-Wealth9549 on

    Why do they exclude the US as one of the manufacturers of the storm shadow? They just said French, British, Italian. There’s undisclosed parts made in the US, I thought that’s why UK hasn’t been able to get approval

  2. ibloodylovecider on

    As a British citizen — and as someone who voted for this government and this exact man — I want to hold Ukrainian people’s hands and tell you all **we are with you, we cry for you, your losses are our losses. I am sorry if we have failed you so far, but we really really do feel your pain** 💛

    (I know you probably don’t need that, but that’s how I feel)

    PS to the bot that just messaged me why are you saying your losses are our losses – I didn’t mean this literally. I mourn a Ukrainian loss the same as I would mourn a UK loss. Bots get blocked and always will be.x

    I’m sick of these people I’ll call him out – u/key-plan-7449 let’s go say what you want – thought as much silence when he’s called out

  3. koensch57 on

    time to declare “free use” in the whole theater of operations.

  4. If you’re in the U.S.theres a rally for Ukraine, from 4 to 6 at Lafayette Square Park in D.C.

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