I russi installano torri per i missili SAM Pantsir vicino al ponte di Kerch


di Mil_in_ua


  1. diezel_dave on

    I see they placed it high enough for it to not be able to detect sea skimming cruise missiles. 

    Thanks for being so dumb Russia! 

  2. Prediction : it’s going to get blown up by a small drone or anti-tank missile fired by a Ukrainian naval drone.

  3. Die4Gesichter on

    Imagine a Dragon Drone flying over the bridge 😩

  4. Drone swoops in low, blows up tower below the pantsir.

    Hopefully it explodes on the way down, adding some damage to the bridge.

  5. I’m wondering how much protection they will put on the bridge. Part of me wonders if this is more mind games designed to make them protect the bridge over something more valuable elsewhere.

    Speaking of bridges I was watching a video yesterday and it said about attacks on Moscow and it got me wondering how much chaos would result from all the bridges in Moscow getting dropped. There’s quite a lot of them, a busy city like that getting cut in half can’t be good for productivity.

  6. throw667 on

    It’s oddly polite of them to elevate an inviting target above the bridge infrastructure (which could obscure targeting signature). Thanks, RUZ!

  7. Susurrus03 on

    I don’t think either of the previous attacks were by the air, though.

  8. SubjectElderberry376 on

    Bless, they still think they can defend this monstrosity.

  9. denied_eXeal on

    Putin : Vlyads, don’t get caught with ur pants down again


  10. cyrixlord on

    so, they just hang a tracked pantsir vehicle on a scaffold. second best army in Ukraine thinking right there… now they just need a seababy with a few FPV drones on it to take them out just for funzies.

  11. putin obsesses over crimea and his stupid bridge like hitler did “Leningrad first”. Let him sink all russias resources into protecting his precious, the shifting sea floor will eventually bring that ugly thing down anyway lol

  12. Zestyclose-Wafer2503 on

    Meh, it’ll get blown away by something cooked up in a Ukrainian shed. Easily.


  13. Automatic-Project997 on

    Nice they placed explosives on the bridge. A ukrainian missile just became 10 missiles Aim for them .If you hit them you get bonus explosions. Like hitting a tank

  14. Maddog351_2023 on

    Reminds me of that stargate episode where enemy Jaffa are in those towers and get killed 😂

  15. zaevilbunny38 on

    They took hard to hit mobile AA, and by hard to hit I mean you need a guide missile to hit it. Turned it into a stationary target that dumb drones with internal guidance can overwhelm and hit now

  16. KarlosMacronius on

    Now I’m not a military man, but that looks like a poor decision to me.

  17. Krakelibrot on

    Has there been any documented case of Pantsir actually working?

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